
Johanna Virkki, Associate Professor (Gameful Technology)

M.Sc. (Technology), M.A. (Logopedics), D.Sc. (Technology)

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  • Wearable Technology
  • Enabling Environments
  • Gamification of Rehabilitation




Charlotta Elo, Doctoral Researcher

M.A. (Logopedics)

  • Speech Therapy Rehabilitation
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  • Gamification as a Motivating Factor
  • Wearable Technology in Speech Therapy




Jenni Huhtasalo, Postdoctoral Researcher

Bachelor of Health Care, Ph.D. (Social Sciences)

  • Expertise and Expertise Growth
  • Technology Promoting Mental Health and Well-being
  • Co-Creation and Workshop Activities


Shiva Jabari, Doctoral Researcher

M.Sc. (Design for the Fashion System)

  • Fashion Technology
  • Virtual Fashion
  • Smart Clothing and Wearable Design
  • Design for Fashionable Wearable Experiences
  • Computational Fashion Wearable

in collaboration with Gamification Group 



Henna S. Mattila, Research Assistant

B.A. (Psychology)

  • Psychology
  • Emotions and Emotional Responsivity
  • Electrodermal Activity

email prefix: henna.s.mattila



Jaana Mäkinen, Project Coordinator

Interpreter for speech impaired

  • Novel Communication Aids
  • Promoting Equality for People with Speech Impairments in Our Society
  • Co-Creation



S M Musfequr Rahman, Doctoral Researcher

M.Sc. (Technology), M.Sc. (Mathematics)

  • Wearable Technology
  • Prototype Development and Testing
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Research
  • Human-Technology Interaction

email prefix: smmusfequr.rahman



Anni Raukko, Research Assistant

Bachelor of Humanities, B.A. (Social Sciences)

  • Interaction and Communication
  • Accessibility
  • Equality
  • Sustainability




Mustasin Sakif, Doctoral Researcher

M.Sc. (Technology)

  • Assistive Technology
  • Augmented Reality
  • Textile-Based Technology
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication


Asif Shaikh, Doctoral Researcher

B.A. (Technology), M.Sc. (Technology)

  • Radiofrequency Identification Technology and Applications
  • Embedded Systems and Microcontroller Programming
  • Mobile and Computer Application Prototyping
  • Internet of Things Systems and Prototyping



Aygün Varol, Doctoral Researcher

M.Sc. (Technology)

  • Internet of Things
  • Deep Learning
  • Wireless Sensor Networks




Tanja Vihriälä, Project Manager, Doctoral Reseacher

M.A. (Logopedics)

  • User-Centered Design Approach
  • Prototype Designing (Participation, Communication)
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  • Complex Communication Needs



Tiina Vuohijoki, Doctoral Researcher

B.Nurs. & PHN, Master of Health Care

  • Assisted Participation, Social Inclusion, and Well-Being
  • Smart Clothing (Design, Fabrication, and Testing)
  • Multidisciplinary Co-Development and Design Thinking Approach
  • Hand-Made Passive UHF RFID Interfaces



