There is room for You.

There are many ways to get involved, depending on your goals and objectives.

If you’re an undergraduate student interested in studying games at Tampere University or Tampere University of Applied Sciences, please see information about the admission process here.

If you’re interested in post-graduate studies in gamification, game studies, game-based learning, gameful technologies, esports (and so on) at Tampere University, please see information about the admission process here.

If you’re interested in applying for a paid position and joining our forces, please check open positions at Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences regularly.

If you are interested in research and development activities as a private company, public organization or NGO representative, please contact our senior staff directly, or write to Project Manager Juhani Linna. Emails firstname.lastname [at]

If you are interested in academic collaboration in research or education, please contact our senior staff directly, or write to Project Manager Juhani Linna. Emails firstname.lastname [at]

If you’re interested in supporting our research, please consider donating to science. Gamification is one of the 12 specifically chosen targets of Tampere University.