Our mission is to renew the development and maintenance of Built Environment via new techno-economic knowledge are relating novel solutions. Presently, examples of the main subjects of our research are
- Collaborative solutions and their benefits in the real estate and construction sector
- Lean construction and, in particular, takt time production
- Property development in a rapidly changing operating environment
- New emerging topics: Data Analytics, Green Investments in the real estate and construction sector
Our role is to unfold the modern multidimensional and tricky phenomena in co-operation with private and public sectors. For this purpose our work can benefit from our broad international research networks.
Climate change, limited natural resources, globalization, urbanization ja digitalization, as well as population growth are key drivers of change for different sectors and their actors. The built environment and its vast number of different actors (Infrastructure, Real estate and Construction) are clearly in the focal point of the changes taking place in societies, services and businesses. The built environment and relating services are nowadays widely acknowledged as a central source for well-being of citizens and for the overall success of societies. The services and end-products need to be developed to a new level, where their effects can be managed in a systematic and reliable way. However, the present problems are multidimensional and very tricky requiring new research based breakthroughs and innovations. For example, the regulatory framework and related public and private decision making at different levels have created a complex sphere where a variety of agendas, their objectives and priorities are blurring the overall picture and targeted harmonised results can be very difficult to reach.
Our students are connected to the research activities via bachelor theses, master theses and various course assigments.
Scalable research for meeting different challenges and needs
We are closely connected to the private and public sectors via contract research and other types of activities. Our experts are providing research based evidence and solutions for the present most challenging problems and questions. Our techno-economic research services are scalable to the various needs first according to the nature of the research object starting from certain types of structures or services, and individual buildings to the infra-system or regional levels of operations. Second, the research services are scalable according to the overall scope of the research:
- Basic research (finding new knowledge over the most challenging and trickiest problems in the build environment, 2-4 years)
- Applied research (systematic and analytic activities towards direct and applicable findings/solutions for a specific problem, 6 – 18 months)
Contract research (research based support for a certain manoeuvre in private or public sector, e.g. addressing a specific construction project , 1-3 months)