Avalanche 2024 conference in Espoo

Complex Systems group participates in the organisation of the Avalanche 2024 conference held in Espoo, Finland, on June 10-12, 2024.

A large variety of physical systems respond to smooth and continuous driving forces in an intermittent and stochastic way, i.e., by exhibiting avalanches, or bursts of activity often exhibiting ‘critical’ signatures such as a broad distribution of sizes. Avalanches occur in a wide range of systems from atomic to tectonic scales, e.g., in magnetic materials, deformation and fracture of materials, geological flows, and the bursting activity of neural networks. The aim of this interdisciplinary workshop is to provide an overview of recent developments of these seemingly rather different processes and to identify general common trends, approaches, and tools which can help to advance this important research field.

Contributions are expected on recent experimental results as well as theoretical studies including modeling and mathematical tools for the analysis of avalanche processes.

The conference is the continuation of a series of previous meetings: Crackling noise and intermittency in Condensed Matter​ held in Göttingen (Germany) in 2013,  Avalanches in Functional Materials and Geophysics held in Cambridge (UK) in 2014, Workshop on Avalanche Processes in Condensed Matter Physics and Beyond held in Barcelona (Spain) in 2017, Avalanche dynamics and precursors of catastrophic events held in Les Houches (France) in 2019, and Avalanche 2022 held in Debrecen (Hungary) in 2022.