Complex Systems group was today awarded 450 842 € of Academy Project funding with the title Magnetic Barkhausen Noise: From Fundamental Physics to Non-Destructive Testing (BarFume). This is a consortium sub-project, part of the consortium lead by senior scientist Mari Honkanen from Tampere Microscopy Center.
Project description:
The structure of a ferromagnetic material can be characterized by its microstructural and magnetic features. When a ferromagnetic material is placed in an external magnetic field, its small magnetic domains start to move. This movement causes a measurable signal called Barkhausen noise (BN). BarFume aims to improve the understanding of how the microstructural features of the sample affect the domain wall movement, i.e. BN, and how this information could be used to improve the accuracy of BN-based quality control methods. In addition, novel machine learning techniques will be developed to automatically classify materials microstructure using BN as input. BarFume is an interdisciplinary project that combines materials characterization to BN measurements, micromagnetic modelling, and advanced statistical analysis. The utilization of the research results is obvious in collaboration with a key Finnish industrial partner. The research will be done at Tampere University.
Related to this project, we are currently looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on computational modelling of magnetic Barkhausen noise and related application of machine learning. If you are interested, please contact Lasse Laurson (