This page lists publications since September 2018 when the Complex Systems group was established at Tampere University. A complete list of publications of the group leader is available by clicking the "Complete list of publications'" link:
D. Berta, D. Kurunczi-Papp, L. Laurson, and P. D. Ispánovity
On identifying dynamic length scales in crystal plasticity, Acta Mater. 283, 120506 (2025).
S. Kaappa, S. Santa-aho, M. Honkanen, M. Vippola, and L. Laurson
Magnetic domain walls interacting with dislocations in micromagnetic simulations, Commun. Mater. 5, 256 (2024).
V. Haavisto, M. Mińkowski, and L. Laurson
Estimating predictability of depinning dynamics by machine learning, submitted (2024).
D. Kurunczi-Papp and L. Laurson
Bayesian Optimization of 7-component (AlVCrFeCoNiMo) single crystal alloy’s compositional space to optimize elasto-plastic properties from Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 32, 085013 (2024).
L. Laurson
On criticality of interface depinning and origin of "bump" in the avalanche distribution, Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 207102 (2024)
L. Laurson and M. J. Alava
Dislocation-precipitate interactions in crystals: From the BKS model to collective dislocation dynamics, J Mater. Sci: Mater. Theory 8, 10 (2024).
M. Honkanen, H. Lukinmaa, S. Kaappa, S. Santa-aho, J. Kajan, S. Savolainen, L. Azzari, L. Laurson, M. Palosaari, and M. Vippola
Magnetic domain wall dynamics studied by in-situ Lorentz microscopy with aid of custom-made Hall-effect sensor holder, Ultramicroscopy 262, 113979 (2024).
D. Spasojevic, M. Marinkovic, D. Jovkovic, S. Janicevic, L. Laurson, and A. Djordjevic
Barkhausen noise in disordered strip-like ferromagnets: experiment vs. simulations, Phys. Rev. E 109, 024110 (2024).
Khushika, L. Laurson, and P. K. Jana
Reversible-to-irreversible transition of colloidal polycrystals under cyclic athermal quasistatic deformation, Phys. Rev. E 108, 064612 (2023).
S. Santa-aho, M. Honkanen, S. Kaappa, R. Azzari, A. Saren, K. Ullakko, L. Laurson, and M. Vippola
Multi-Instrumental Approach to Domain Walls and Their Movement in Ferromagnetic Steels - Origin of Barkhausen Noise Studied by Microscopy Techniques, Mater. Des. 234, 112308 (2023).
H. Salmenjoki, S. Papanikolaou, D. Shi, D. Tourret, C.M. Cepeda-Jiménez, M. T. Pérez-Prado, L. Laurson, and M. J. Alava
Machine learning dislocation density correlations and solute effects in Mg-based alloys, Sci. Rep. 13, 11114 (2023).
E. Paakkunainen, L. Laurson, and P. Rasilo
Coupled 2-D FEM and 1-D Micromagnetic Model for Transverse Anisotropy Tape-Wound Magnetic Cores, IEEE Trans. Magn. 59, 7400604 (2023).
S. Kaappa and L. Laurson
Barkhausen noise from formation of 360° domain walls in disordered permalloy thin films, Phys. Rev. Research 5, L022006 (2023).
M. Mińkowski and L. Laurson
Predicting elastic and plastic properties of small iron polycrystals by machine learning, Sci. Rep. 13, 13977 (2023).
D. Kurunczi-Papp and L. Laurson
Avalanches and rate effects in strain-controlled discrete dislocation plasticity of Al single crystals, Phys. Rev. Materials 7, 013605 (2023).
M. Sarvilahti and L. Laurson
Bayesian optimization of discrete dislocation plasticity of two-dimensional precipitation-hardened crystals, Phys. Rev. Materials 6, 123801 (2022).
E. Toivonen, M. Molkkari, E. Räsänen, and L. Laurson
Asymmetric roughness of elastic interfaces at the depinning threshold, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 175701 (2022).
J. Savolainen, L. Laurson, and M. J. Alava
Effect of thresholding on avalanches and their clustering for interfaces with long-range elasticity, Phys. Rev. E 105, 054152 (2022)
T. Hochrainer, L. Laurson, S. Papanikolaou, G. Po, and R. B. Sills
Characterization of dislocation ensembles: measures and complexity, Materials Theory 6, 16 (2022)
T. Mäkinen, M. Ovaska, L. Laurson, and M. J. Alava
Portevin-Le Chatelier effect: modeling the deformation bands and stress-strain curves, Materials Theory 6, 15 (2022).
A. Skaugen and L. Laurson
Depinning exponents of thin film domain walls depend on disorder strength, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 097202 (2022).
M. Mińkowski, D. Kurunczi-Papp, and L. Laurson
Machine learning reveals strain-rate-dependent predictability of discrete dislocation plasticity, Phys. Rev. Materials 6, 023602 (2022).
M. Honkanen, S. Santa-aho, L. Laurson, N. Eslahi, A. Foi, and M. Vippola
Mimicking Barkhausen noise measurement by in-situ transmission electron microscopy - Effect of microstructural steel features on Barkhausen noise, Acta Mater. 221, 117378 (2021)
D. Kurunczi-Papp and L. Laurson
Dislocation avalanches from strain-controlled loading: A discrete dislocation dynamics study, Phys. Rev. E 104, 025008 (2021). Selected as part of a PRE Spotlight on Dislocation Dynamics.
H. Salmenjoki, L. Laurson, and M. J. Alava
Avalanche correlations and stress-strain curves in discrete dislocation plasticity, Phys. Rev. Materials 5, 073601 (2021).
D. Jovkovic, S. Janicevic, S. Mijatovic, L. Laurson, and D. Spasojevic
The effects of external noise on threshold induced correlations in ferromagnetic systems, Phys. Rev. E 103, 062114 (2021).
P. K. Jana, J. Lam, R. Mangal, M. J. Alava, N. Parveen, and L. Laurson
Impurity-induced nematic-isotropic transition of liquid crystals, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 8825-8835 (2021)
M. Sarvilahti, A. Skaugen, and L. Laurson
Machine learning depinning of dislocation pileups, APL Mater. 8, 101109 (2020)
T. Mäkinen, P. Karppinen, M. Ovaska, L. Laurson, and M. J. Alava
Propagating bands of plastic deformation in a metal alloy as critical avalanches, Sci. Adv. 6, eabc7350 (2020).
H. Salmenjoki, L. Laurson, and M. J. Alava
Probing the transition from dislocation jamming to pinning by machine learning, Materials Theory 4, 5 (2020)
T. Mäkinen, J. Koivisto, L. Laurson, and M. J. Alava
Scale-free features of temporal localization of deformation in late stages of creep failure, Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 093606 (2020).
H. Salmenjoki, A. Lehtinen, L. Laurson, and M. J. Alava
Plastic yielding and deformation bursts in the presence of disorder from coherent precipitates, Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 083602 (2020).
I. Rissanen and L. Laurson
Bursty magnetic friction between polycrystalline thin films with domain walls, Phys. Rev. B 100, 144408 (2019).
A. Skaugen, P. Murray and L. Laurson
Analytical computation of the demagnetizing energy of thin film domain walls, Phys. Rev. B 100, 094440 (2019).
I. Rissanen and L. Laurson
Magnetic non-contact friction from domain wall dynamics actuated by oscillatory mechanical motion, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 52, 445002 (2019).
J. Hütner, T. Herranen, and L. Laurson
Multistep Bloch-line-mediated Walker breakdown in ferromagnetic strips, Phys. Rev. B 99, 174427 (2019).
T. Herranen and L. Laurson
Barkhausen noise from precessional domain wall motion, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 117205 (2019).
S. Santucci, K.-T. Tallakstad, L. Angheluta, L. Laurson, R. Toussaint, and K. J. Måløy
Avalanches and extreme value statistics in interfacial crackling dynamics, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 377, 20170394 (2019).
H. Salmenjoki, M. J. Alava, and L. Laurson
Machine learning plastic deformation of crystals, Nat. Commun. 9, 5307 (2018).
H. Salmenjoki, M. J. Alava, and L. Laurson
Mimicking complex dislocation dynamics by interaction networks, Eur. Phys. J. B 91, 275 (2018).
M. A. Zaidan, V. Haapasilta, R. Relan, H. Junninen, P. P. Aalto, M. Kulmala, L. Laurson, and A. S. Foster
Predicting atmospheric particle formation days by Bayesian classification of the time series features, Tellus B 70, 1445379 (2018).