We are pleased to announce the release of the book “Critical Reading of Digital Texts: The Emile Project – Empowering Schools in Self-Regulation of Media and Information Literacy Processes”. The book is a result of the Emile project and edited by Christian Tarchi from the University of Florence. The book is available as an open access resource.
Edulit research group members, Carita Kiili and Pirjo Kulju, have contributed to the book with a chapter (Chapter 5) titled “Empowering Teachers to Educate Critical Online Readers.“.
The chapter presents five design principles to support teachers’ confidence in promoting students’ engagement in and learning of critical online reading. The principles include 1) providing theoretical knowledge about critical online reading and how it could be taught, 2) facilitating instructional design by modeling and sharing existing materials and practices, 3) supporting collaborative instructional design and experimentation in the classroom, 4) offering opportunities to provide and receive feedback, and 5) providing opportunities for systematic reflection. The chapter illustrates how the design principles were implemented in formal teacher education and teacher professional development courses. The authors also share teacher experiences of courses that implement these design principles.
Emile project was funded by the European Media and Information Fund, managed by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.