Last week our EDUneighbours team organised two events at Tampere University, Finland. Approximately 20 representatives of Finnish-Russian double degree programmes from different Finnish and Russian universities took part in the training workshop ‘ A Comprehensive Approach to Quality and Sustainability in Collaborative Degree Programmes’. The trainer was Mirko Varano from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. The event was by invitation only.
For the second event, a seminar with the title
‘Higher Education and International Cooperation: the Role of Collaborative Degree Programmes’, we had invited speakers focusing on internationalisation of higher education, and international education cooperation, incl. collaborative degree programmes in their research.
The seminar was opened by Marja Sutela, Vice-Rector for Education, Tampere University. More than 60 participants from different universities in Finland and elsewhere in Europe and Asia attended the seminar. Please see the programme here
Many thanks to all speakers, discussants, chairs and everyone in the audience!