Awards 2025
- Science Book of the Year -award nomination, Aleksi Hupli
Awards 2024
- SOC Science Award, Emerging Addiction Researchers. The award was for larger community of young addiction researchers. Out of our researchers Heli Hagfors, Sari Hautamäki, Aleksi Hupli, Emmi Kauppila, Eerik Mantere, Iina Savolainen, Anu Sirola, and Ilkka Vuorinen were awarded.
Awards 2023
- University of Tampere Foundation Dissertation Prize Nina Savela
- The 2022 Best Reviewer Award from International Journal of Consumer Studies Rita Latikka
- Human Behaviour and Emerging Technologies Outstanding Reviewer Award Nina Savela and Excellent Reviewer Award Atte Oksanen
Awards 2022
- Publisher of the Year Award by the University of Tampere Foundation:
Nina Savela - Article of the Year Award by The Finnish Association for Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Research:
Hannu Jouhki & Atte Oksanen (2022). To get high or to get out? Examining the link between addictive behaviors and escapism. Substance Use & Misuse, 57(2), 202–211.
Awards 2021
- SOC Science Award, early-career researchers of Emerging Technologies Lab
- A Master’s Thesis Award by Tampere University, Faculty of Social Sciences:
Ilkka Vuorinen (2020). Nuorten ja nuorten aikuisten psykososiaalinen hyvinvointi ja rahapeliongelmat Yhdysvalloissa (Master’s thesis).
Awards 2020
- Antti Murto Master’s Thesis Award by The Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies:
Ilkka Vuorinen (2020). Nuorten ja nuorten aikuisten psykososiaalinen hyvinvointi ja rahapeliongelmat Yhdysvalloissa (Master’s thesis). - Publisher of the Year Award by the University of Tampere Foundation:
Tuuli Turja - Article of the Year Award by The Finnish Association for Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Research:
Anu Sirola, Markus Kaakinen, Iina Savolainen & Atte Oksanen (2019). Loneliness and online gambling-community participation of young social media users. Computers in Human Behavior, 95, 136–145.
Awards 2019
- Antti Murto Master’s Thesis Award by The Finnish Foundation for Alcohol Studies:
Hannu Jouhki (2018). Vapaus on suuri vankila: yhteiskunnallisen kehityksen yhteys addiktiokäyttäytymiseen (Master’s thesis).