
Publications 2024

A world divided: Investors and gamblers meet at the blockchains. In C. Strong, B. Martin, & P. Chrysochou (Eds.), Advances in blockchain research and cryptocurrency behavior. De Gruyter.

Soares Mantere, E., Savolainen, I., Vuorinen, I., Hagfors, H., & Oksanen, A. (2024).

Social Media, Web, and Panel Surveys: Using Non-probability Samples to Study Population Characteristics. In P. Brough (ed.), Research Methods for Applied Psychologists: Design, Analysis and Reporting (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Räsänen, P., Oksanen, A., Lehdonvirta, V., & Blank, G. (2024).

Online Communities Come with Real-world Consequences for Individuals and Societies. Communications Psychology (accepted 10th June 2024).

Oksanen, A., Celuch, M., Oksa, R., & Savolainen, I. (2024).

The impacts of stress and loneliness on gambling and gaming problems: A nationwide longitudinal study. International Journal of Social Psychiatry (accepted 7 June 2024).

Vuorinen, I., Savolainen, I., Sirola, A., & Oksanen, A. (2024).

Rahapelien nettimainonnalle altistuminen ja rahapelihaittojen kokemisen yhteys [Association between gambling harm and exposure to online gambling advertising]. Working paper 19/24, The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.

Savolainen, I., Oksanen, A., & Roukka, T. (2024).

UrbanAI Art – toward artist-driven AI art. Leonardo (accepted 1 March 2024).

Lahtinen, J. & Oksanen, A. (2024).

The pervasive challenge of cyberbullying at work: The current evidence. In Michelle Wright (ed.), The psychology of cyberbullying (pp. 223–234). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Celuch, M., Oksa, R., & Oksanen, A. (2024).

Publications 2023

Lupa unelmoida - Lukijoita puhutteleva tarinallinen uutisointi rahapelivoitoista. Teoksessa Susanne Uusitalo ja Valtteri Arstila (toim.) Ongelmallinen Rahapelaaminen. Näkökulmia rahapelaamisen varjoihin ja tutkimuksen katvealueisiin. Eetos ry.

Kauppila, E., Hellman, M. & Alanko, A. (2023).

Defending others online: The influence of observing formal and informal social control on one’s willingness to defend cyberhate victims. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Costello, M., Hawdon, J., Reichelmann, A., Oksanen, A., Blaya, C., Llorent, V. J., Räsänen, P., & Zych, I., (2023).

Combating loneliness: The role of neighborhood ICT, environmental attractiveness, and a sense of belonging to a local community. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology.

Latikka, R., Savela, N., Rubio-Hernández, Koivula, A., Makkonen, J., Nieto Fernández, F., Väänänen, K., & Oksanen, A. (2023).

Sosiaalisten viestintäteknologioiden käyttö korona-ajan työelämässä [Social communication technologies at work during COVID-19 pandemic]. In: A. Mäkikangas & P. Pyöriä (Eds.), Koronapandemia, työ ja yhteiskunta: Muuttuiko Suomi? (pp. 52–66). Helsinki: Gaudeamus.

Oksa, R., Latikka, R., Savela, N., & Oksanen, A. (2023).

Publications 2022

Capital in illegal online drug markets: How digital capital changes the cultural environment of drug dealing. Theoretical Criminology (accepted in 16 November 2022).

Bakken, S., Oksanen, A., & Demant. J. (2022).

Professional social media-enabled productivity: A five-wave longitudinal study on the role of professional social media invasion, work engagement and work exhaustion. Information Technology and People, 35(8), 349–368.

Oksa, R., Pirkkalainen, H., Salo, M., Savela, N., & Oksanen, A. (2022).

Digipelaaminen nuorisokulttuurina. Teoksessa Alho, H., Aalto, M., Castrén, S., & Pajula, M. (eds.). Peliriippuvuus (pp. 84–87). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim.

Sirola, A., Savolainen, I., & Oksanen, A. (2022).

Vanhempien liiallinen digipelaaminen perheen ongelmana. Teoksessa Alho, H., Aalto, M., Castrén, S., Pajula, M. (eds.). Peliriippuvuus (pp. 168–169). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim.

Savolainen, I., Sirola, A., & Oksanen, A. (2022).

Lasten ja nuorten liiallinen digipelaaminen perheen ongelmana. Teoksessa Alho, H., Aalto, M., Castrén, S., Pajula, M. (eds.). Peliriippuvuus (pp. 166–168). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim.

Savolainen, I., Sirola, A., & Oksanen, A. (2022).

Tor-verkossa tapahtuvien keskustelujen merkitys huumevieroituksessa [The significance of online discussions in Tor network for drug rehabilitation]. Janus, 30(1), 65–80.

Haasio, A., Harviainen, T.J., Ylinen, A., & Oksanen, A. (2022).

Publications 2021

Older Adults’ Loneliness, Social Isolation, and Physical Information and Communication Technology in the Era of Ambient Assisted Living: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(12), Article e28022.

Latikka, R., Rubio Hernández, R., Lohan, E.S., Rantala, J., Nieto Fernández, F., Laitinen, A., Oksanen, A. (2021).

Arkirutiinit suomalaisnuorten nettirikosuhrikokemusten selittäjänä. Nuorisotutkimus 39(4), 63–75.

Mikkola, Marko (2021).

Hate speech and cultural divides within and across societies. In E. Insalaco, R. Omeyri, J. Jauhiainen, & H. Samy (eds.) Intercultural Trend and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: The Anna Lindth Report 2021 (pp. 45–46). Alexandria: Anna Lindth Foundation.

Oksanen, A. (2021).

Perceived Robot Attitudes of Other People and Perceived Robot Use Self-efficacy as Determinants of Attitudes Toward Robots. In: Kurosu M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Techniques and Novel Applications. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12763. Springer, Cham.

Latikka R., Savela N., Koivula A., Oksanen A. (2021).

Loneliness and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. The moderating roles of personal, social, and organizational resources on perceived stress and exhaustion among Finnish university employees. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 7146.

Mäkiniemi, J.-P., Oksanen, A., & Mäkikangas, A. (2021).

Service Sector Professionals’ Perspective on Robots Doing Their Job in the Future. In: Kurosu M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Techniques and Novel Applications. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12763. Springer, Cham.

Savela N., Latikka R., Oksa R., Oksanen A. (2021).

Social ecological model of problem gambling: A cross-national survey study of young people in the United States, South Korea, Spain, and Finland. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Oksanen, A., Sirola, A., Savolainen, I., Koivula, A., Kaakinen, M., Vuorinen, I., Zych, I., & Paek, H-J. (2021).

Publications 2020

Rahapeliautomaattien ja automaattipelien haittojen hallinta [The control of harm caused by slot machines and slot machine games]. Reports and Memorandums of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 2020:25. Helsinki: Ministery of Social Affairs and Health.

Heiskanen, M., Hellman, M., Jaakkola, T., Kinnunen, J. Levitski, A., Lerkkanen, T., Marionneau, V., Oksanen, A., Pajula, M., Salonen, A. (2020).

Online Gambling Activity in Finland 2006–2016. In: Meiselwitz G. (eds) Social Computing and Social Media. Participation, User Experience, Consumer Experience, and Applications of Social Computing. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12195. Springer, Cham.

Koivula A., Räsänen P., Koiranen I., Keipi T. (2020).

Illicit Drug Purchases via Social Media Among American Young People. In G. Meiselwitz (Ed.), Social Computing and Social Media: Design, Ethics, User Behavior, and Social Network Analysis. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12194, pp. 278–288. Springer, Cham.

Oksanen, A., Miller, B. L., Savolainen, I., Sirola, A., Demant, J., & Kaakinen, M., Zych, I. (2020).

Emotions in Online Gambling Communities: A Multilevel Sentiment Analysis. In: G. Meiselwitz G. (Ed.) Social Computing and Social Media. Design, Ethics, User Behavior, and Social Network Analysis. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12194, pp. 542–550. Springer, Cham.

Kaakinen M., Oksanen A., Sirola A., Savolainen I., Garcia D. (2020).