New publication in Nature Photonics !

schematic of generalized Talbot effect in angle and angular momentum

Are you interested in learning how to observe self-imaging in angle and angular momentum?

Then you should check out our latest work on the generalized self-imaging effect, i.e., the Talbot effect, that was just published in Nature Photonics, here. Together with Jianqi Hu (currently EPFL, Switzerland) and Sylvain Gigan (Kastler Brossel Laboratory, ENS, France), we studied the self-imaging in angle and angular momentum for the first time in a single experiment. Our work not only shows interesting connections to the self-imaging in time and frequency thereby highlighting the space-time duality in optics, but it also demonstrates a novel angular momentum mode sorter, which in principle is perfect, i.e., loss-less and cross-talk free!

You can also find more information in our press release here.

Thanks to the great work by our former visitor Jianqi and our PhD student Matias, this collaboration was great fun which no also led to a very fruitful outcome : )


Congratulations to all, in particular to our Talbot expert Matias! Well done!