Talks from the EQO group at the online conference FiO/LS !

Lea and Markus will present our latest work.

This years FiO/LS of the OSA and APS will be held online.

Two EQO members, Markus and Lea, will present our work on quantum interference in patial modes and spectral vector beams.

Registration is free so join:


…and then learn more about our recent work:

Single-path Two-photon Interference Effects Between Spatial Modes
by Markus Hiekkamäki
time: Mon, Sep 14 2:15 PM – 2:30 PM (UTC -4)
session: Quantum Photonics (FM4A)


Spectral vector beams for high-speed spectroscopy
by Lea Kopf
time: Wed, Sep 16 8:45 AM – 9:00 AM (UTC -4)
session: Coherence and Vector Beams (FW1A)