Nataša Lacković is a Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in the Educational Research department at Lancaster University, UK. Her research focuses on education futures through relational and arts-informed approaches and practices for educational and social change. Her interdisciplinary work has contributed to media and literacy studies in conjunction with university and wider community teaching-learning.
In her presentation, Prof. Lacković explored the relational concept of higher education, emphasizing relational knowledge, communication, and pedagogy. She drew upon her latest book, ‘Relational and Multimodal Higher Education: Digital, Environmental, and Social Perspectives,’ co-authored with Dr. Alin Olteanu and published by Routledge in 2024. The talk highlighted relationality as an epistemological practice that explores knowledge as mediated through social, material (socio-material), and digital interactions and experiences.
Watch the recording here: A relational higher education and pedagogy: social, material, and digital connections by Nataša Lacković (36 min; link opens TUNI Panopto)
Text by Vesna Holubek