Research projects

HET researchers conduct research as a part of their academic work at university as well as within externally funded research projects. The research findings are published in national and international journals (see HET group’s latest publications).

(Un)Making Knowledge: Students’ relationship with knowledge from Modernity to AI (2025-2029)

This interdisciplinary research project examines dynamic relationship between educational knowledge and students both in historical perspective and in the light of the societal, technological and ethical paradigms of the new millennium. The project is led by Johanna Annala and funded by the Kone Foundation. More information: UnMaking Knowledge website.

Pathways of academics in the context of educational innovations and institutional changes (2023-2024)

The research focuses on changes taking place at the university and their impact on the work, teaching practices, professional identity, well-being and career paths of university lecturers. The purpose of this explorative qualitative study is to critically reflect on the interplay between the identity, teaching-researching practice of university lecturers and the university environment in the context of three European universities: Tallinn University, Tampere University, and Malta University. Doctoral researcher Aytuna Yamaç and research director Vesa Korhonen from HET group are involved in this study that is conducted in collaboration with research groups from Tallinn University and Malta University.

EuroStudent VIII (2023)

Altogether five research topics and scientific articles were funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture in the 2023 call of EuroStudent VIII student research topics. One of the selected topics was related to student mobility from international perspective in cooperation with University of Turku. Contact person from the HET research group: Vesa Korhonen.

The Role of Knowledge in Curriculum in Higher Education (2020-2022)

This research project investigates the nature of knowledge in the so-called ‘hybrid curricula’ – in initiatives where curricula are united between research-intensive universities and universities of applied sciences – and teachers’ role in making decisions about knowledge in curricula of this kind. The study was conducted by Johanna Annala, with Erik Allardt Fellowship at Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS), granted by Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, 2020-2021. The results have been reported in research articles, see HET publications in 2022.

Reflection Facilitator (2020-2023)

A combination of a research project and pedagogical development activities, Reflection Facilitator is a research-based digital tool for facilitating deeper levels of reflection thus supporting learning goals in higher education. Reflection Facilitator has been originally developed as a part of the pilot project OPTIMO that aims at creating space and tools for continuous learning. HET researchers, Kaisu Mälkki, Marita Mäkinen and Anne Jyrkiäinen, have been involved with Reflection Facilitator and OPTIMO project. More information: blog post about the project

eTraining FinPal (2017-2020)

In cooperation with Islamic University of Gaza, Palestinian Territories, eTraining FinPal is a research and development project funded by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs (HEI ICI programme). The project includes research on pedagogical development of university teachers. Project coordinator: Vesa Korhonen. More information: eTraining FinPal website

EuroStudent (2017)

Two EuroStudent research sub-projects were funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture: (1) In cooperation with University of Eastern Finland conducted by Marita Mäkinen & Johanna Annala. (2) Research conducted by Vesa Korhonen & Susanna Mikkonen at University of Tampere. More information: blog post about the research

Campus Conexus (2009-2014)

Research and development project aiming at developing policies and practices that support student engagement in higher education studies, promote student well-being and study skills, and prevent student exclusion. The project was funded by the European Social Fund and the Ministry of Education and Culture in Finland. The research collaboration on Campus Conexus resulted with numerous publications and establishment of the HET research group. More information: Campus Conexus webpage in Finnish