IBID International Research Network on Institutional Hybridity
International Research Network on Institutional Hybridity (IBID) is a new inter-disciplinary and open research network focused on academic research on institutional hybridity, hybrid governance, hybrid policies and hybrid organizing.
Understanding the workings of hybridity in society is a challenging mission for academics. As an abbreviation for the Latin word ibīdem, meaning “in the same place”, ibid has two implications. First, hybridity is about institutional collaboration of actors with different, often competing and contrasting logics and interests. However, they need to find a way to be “in the same place” for a common purpose and the common good. Furthermore, the purpose of IBID is to advance research on institutional hybridity by organising research activities, disseminating information on events and current research, and helping scholars from different institutions to connect with each other. IBID aims to help research and researchers interested in institutional hybridity to be “in the same place”.
In current society, governments face complex societal issues that cannot be tackled through traditional governance arrangements or ideal-typical public, private, or third-sector organisations. Therefore, governments increasingly initiate hybrid governance arrangements, and work with or through hybrid organisations, or opt for hybridised service delivery systems. These ‘hybrids’ transcend the boundaries of policy domains and jurisdictions, combine governance mechanisms (state, market, networks, self-governance), and foster new forms of collaboration.