Early bird registration open: ICPP6 Conference in Toronto

Save the date: Come to discuss hybridity in the context of public policy at ICPP6 in Toronto from 27-29th of June.

For scholars interested in the hybridity in context of public policy, Toronto is a place to be this summer. The 6th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP6) organized by IPPA International Public Policy Association Conference Track #05 features Panel #2 on Public policies for hybrid governance. Registration to conference at early bird rate is open. ICPP6 will take place at the University’s premises in downtown Toronto from June 27 to 29, 2023, with a Pre-Conference on June 26.

For more information, visit IPPA ICPP6 Site at: https://www.ippapublicpolicy.org/conference/icpp6-toronto-2023/17