NISPAcee conference, organized in May 22 – 24, 2025 in Bratislava, Slovakia, now welcomes abstract proposals for the panel “Public policies for hybrid governance”. The panel focused on hybridity in policy context, and investigates the dynamic and complex relationship, rationalities (implicit and/or explicit) and tensions and dilemmas among public, private and civic domains contributing to policy outcomes. Deadline for submission of paper proposals closes 10.11.2024. Full paper submission deadline is 10.04.2025.
The panel welcomes paper prosals that address especially the following questions:
- How do hybridity and hybrid forms of governance influence public policies?
- To what extent and via what mechanisms do governments influence (foster or hamper) hybridity?
- How does hybridity shape public policy agenda-setting, implementation, and evaluation?
- Empirical approaches to assessing how policies approach hybridity. Are there differences in governing or regulating hybrids across policy fields in Europe and different parts of the world?
- To what extent do the emerging modes of governance centred on the role of users (co-production and co-creation) affect hybrid arrangements in the design of policy solutions?
- How do different hybrids (e.g. state-owned enterprises, social enterprises, PPPs) adapt to public policies? How do community self- and co-regulating practices, in tandem with corporate social responsibility and entrepreneurial self-regulation, influence public policies?
- What are the implications of the WG to the future study of governance on the one hand and hybridity on the other, and how can inclusive and interdisciplinary approaches be leveraged?
For more information, visit the conference website: