
Past and present visions and developments:


Hankkeessa muodostetaan ja pilotoidaan kehitteillä olevan Pirkanmaa -vetoisen ja alueen valmistavan teollisuuden yrityksille, erityisesti pienelle ja keskisuurelle (pk) teollisuudelle, suunnatun European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) -yhteistyömallin ydin, sekä toteutetaan tutkimus, kehitys ja innovaatio (TKI)- ja demonstraatioympäristö -kokonaisuus, jossa toteutetaan usean tehtaan yhteistoimintademonstraatiot yrityksille.

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The AI REGIO “Regions and Digital Innovation Hubs alliance for AI-driven digital transformation of European Manufacturing SMEs”, will build a one-stop-shop platform that enables access to resources for AI-based solutions in efficient and sustainable manufacturing, with particular emphasis on resources that can lower the AI adoption barriers for SMEs.

More info:

H2020 ODIN

The vision of ODIN is: “to demonstrate that novel robot-based production systems are not only technically feasible, but also efficient and sustainable for immediate introduction at the shopfloor”

More info:

H2020 TRINITY 1/2019-6/2023 (GA: 825196)

The main objective of TRINITY is to create a network of digital innovation hubs (DIHs) composed of Research Centers and University Groups specialized in Advanced Robotics and Internet of Things (IoT), supported by a DIH with experts in Robotics Cyber security to contribute to novel robotics solutions that will increase agility in production. The second objective is to continue this network after the ramp-up phase, by building a sustainable business model throughout the project lifetime. The third objective is to deliver a critical mass of use case demonstrations in collaboration with industry to support the industrial modernization leading to more agile production and increase the competitiveness of European companies. The target is to reach over 50 use case demonstrations, consisting of different technical modules (up to 150) that can be combined different manners and used in different use cases. In order to ensure the feasibility and user-friendliness of the developed technology, we will conduct different user studies and interviews.

TRINITY website

Structural Funds “Capable for CE” / EAKR Kyvykkäästi kiertotalouteen

Aiming for growth in circular economy?

The project will develop a method is for making current state analysis of capabilities and identification of developmental priorities.

Method has four phases:

  1. Choosing the CE business model whose perspective the capabilities are reviewed from
  2. Evaluation of the importances (weights) of capability groups in chosen CE business model
  3. Evaluation of best practice type of arguments to colletct the capability data
  4. Reviewing the results and identification of developmental prioritites

The approach of the method is pragmatic and designed to meet the needs especially of manufacturing industry. For more information please contact to Mr. Matti Majuri (

H2020 ReCAM – Rapid Reconfiguration of Flexible Production Systems through Capability-based Adaptation, Auto-configuration and Integrated tools for Production Planning 11/2015-10/2018

he ReCaM project is a three year project funded by the European Commission in the Horizon 2020 programme under Grant agreement No: 680759.  The project consortium involves nine partners from industrial end users, technology providers and research institutions.

This project aims to demonstrate a set of integrated tools for the rapid reconfiguration of flexible production systems, both at operational as well as tactical levels, integrated with the existing production planning and scheduling tools (MES) at a higher technological readiness level (TRL 7). This approach is based on intelligent plug-and-produce capable self-describing mechatronic objects, which are able to auto-program and self-adjust to the required task by utilizing parametric capabilities. These next generation flexible production systems and the proposed set of enabling ICT tools will allow a rapid and cost-efficient reaction to dynamic market changes, also in small-lot production contexts, reducing the efforts needed to switch between product types and production quantities.

More info about ReCAM project

Centennial Foundation/ UNITY – Seamless Human-Robot Interaction 10/2016-1/2019

The project objective was to

  • To define what human-robot collaboration means in Finnish heavy industry
  • To build technologies for seamless and safe human-robot interaction using modern robotics and artificial intelligence
  • Increase the human-robot collaboration technology acceptance
  • Educate and motivate future experts into robotics

The project resulted  a 3D depth map based safety concept for monitoring dynamic workareas and projector-based guidance and notification system for supporting human-robot collaboration. Aside the technical development, a preliminary concept for (Human) Comfort Zone Concept was created.

MANU – Future Digital Manufacturing Technologies and System 2012-2016

Future Digital Manufacturing Technologies and Systems – DIMECC MANU (2012-2016) was initialized with the aim of boosting digitalization in the Finnish manufacturing industry. The topics of DIMECC MANU covered different aspects of digitalization of manufacturing, including digital tools to manage and optimize manufacturing processes, as well as information flow in manufacturing networks and in manufacturing execution systems. Today, the importance of digitalization is widely acknowledged within the manufacturing industry, and we can see the concrete business benefits of DIMECC MANU program. The final report shows the research results and impact of the DIMECC MANU program. (URL:

MANU/LeanMES: Lean MES was one of the six sub-projects of DIMECC’s MANU program. Program runtime was 8/2013 – 12/2017.The ultimate goal of the project was to provide lean, scalable and extendable concept for new type of MES (Manufacturing Execution System) that supports the human operator in a dynamically changing environment. This objective was reached by combining best of soft methods and hard technology. Lean MES will created a novel MES concept for networked SMEs that allow them to observe, plan and react better in dynamic production environment. Lean MES concept utilized the skills and knowledge of the operator, and supported him/her via adaptive and intuitive interfaces to work in his/her daily shop floor level operations. The Lean MES differs from previous concepts by integrating the all three levels – machine, system and network – under one scalable concept, which supports human operators and provides open and standardized interfaces to other IT-systems.

Other and Older projects:

  • Tekes: Renaissance of the Regions (ReRe)– Challenging the status quo of innovation policy implementation in regional manufacturing networks, 1/2015-12/2016
  • FP7 So SMART – Socially sustainable manufacturing for the Factories of the Future, 9/2013-2/2015  (GA: 608734)
  • FP7 EXPLORE – Extended Exploitation of European Research Projects’ knowledge and Results 9/2013-8/2015 (GA: 609226)
  • Tekes: KIPPcolla – Knowledge Intensive Product and Production Management From Concept to Re-cycle in Virtual Collaborative Environment, 3/2009 – 8/2011
  • Tekes: CSM-Hotel – Competitive Sustainable Manufacturing Hotel concept for small and medium sized enterprises, 1/2010-12/2011
  • FP6 PISA – Flexible Assembly Systems through Workplace sharing and Time sharing HM cooperation, 2006-2010