Data Management Academy, part 7: Data management responsibilities and resources

Data management does not happen on its own, but requires actors, working hours and sometimes financial investments.

In this section of the data management plan, clearly identify the people responsible for the practical implementation of data management at different stages of the data lifecycle. For example, the Academy of Finland requires that responsible researchers are in charge of the management and opening of research data in research projects funded by it. Of course, data management tasks – such as updating the data management plan, writing metadata and quality management of the data – can also be shared with other members of the research group. The home organization, on the other hand, usually offers basic storage solutions. Archiving data in a data repository or destroying it securely are also essential tasks for which it makes sense to name a person at an early stage. Don’t abandon your research data!

Data management also requires temporal resources. You can give an estimate of the working time used, such as how much time is needed on a week, month, or yearly basis.

The costs of data management include, among others, software, equipment, external services or the hiring of a data manager. Please, note that in projects funded by the Academy of Finland, the costs of storing and opening research data are among the overheads of the host organisation.

Instructions on how to write a data management plan can be found at DMPTuuli and you can ask more detailed advice at Instructions for data management can also be found in our guide.