Data management plan (DMP) in Academy of Finland’s granted funding

Tampere University has a customised template for a data management plan. The template has the approval of the Academy of Finland.

Once you have received a positive funding decision, submit your DMP to the Academy’s SARA system upon approval of funding. The Academy of Finland has approved the new plan template used at the University of Tampere, which we recommend for writing the plan. Please note that the consortium has a single joint data management plan and only the consortium leader will submit the plan while approving the funding.

The Academy urges a funded researcher to ask for help in writing the plan from a data expert in their own organization. At Tampere University, the DMP goes to the dean for approval through the Research Data Services.

Data management plan process

  1. Send your DMP for comments to the Research Data Services at Please also include your research plan so that we can ensure that the data descriptions are consistent in the plans.
  2. You will receive comments on your plan within a week.
  3. Make the requested edits and send the plan back to
  4. The Research Data Services sends the plan to the dean for approval.
  5. Attach the approved DMP to the Academy’s SARA system.

Here’s how to write a DMP:

  1. Sign in to DMPTuuli.
  2. When you are logged in to DMPTuuli, select Tampere University DMP guidelines
  3. Alternatively: You will find Tampere University DMP guidelines from “Create plans tab”
    1. Choose Tampere University as your organisation.
    2. Tick the box ”No funder associated with this plan”.
    3. Choose “Tampere University DMP guidelines”.

Support for writing a plan

The Research Data Services offers training and consultation support for drawing up the plan and provides comments on the plan.  Support is also available for drafting a data management policy related to the Academy’s FIRI funding application. Contact