In the coming spring term, the Unit of Communication Sciences (Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University) organizes an international online course “Women and the Media in China” together with the Finnish University Network for Asian Studies.
The course will be held in English from 2 March to 6 May 2021. The aim of the course is to raise awareness of Chinese culture, society, and media, as well as the status of women in China.
Course Description
China is in a constant zone of criticism of the West in terms of freedom of the press, the Internet, and human rights. This criticism is inevitable in the framework of the Western-centric concepts of liberalism versus conservatism (authoritarianism).
This course offers students an alternative, let’s call, de-Westernization approach to the consideration of modern China in the issues of media, journalism and women. This approach includes a historical perspective on the development of media and society, an ethnographic perspective on modern leadership and the position of women in society and the profession, and a reflective perspective expected from students in the course of their analytical work on given topics.
That is, the overall goal in teaching this course is to expand the horizon of understanding of modern China by students through its past and present, beyond the ‘normalized’ dichotomy of liberalism versus conservatism. A comprehensive view of the course is provided by inviting Chinese teachers and selecting course materials that generously include Chinese authors.
Learning Outcomes
Students will learn to understand contemporary Chinese media and women’s issues in a historical-cultural context and the current global context and develop the skills in reflecting on the historical and cultural differences of Western and non-Western countries. These exercises will serve as antidote to the familiar bias and fears about China and deepen personal and professional interests in China.
The course includes the following sections:
- Introduction to Chinese media: The historical context and current realities
- Gender, media and leadership in China in the era of deepening authoritarianism
- Women and Communication Activism in China
- Women’s leadership development based on life-long education: Sharing experiences and values
- Women – journalists and media producers
Completion Options
To earn three ECTS, you must watch the video lectures, read each session’s materials, conduct your independent research and write a short analytical essay (450–600 words) for each thematic session (for a total of five short essays). There is an additional final essay for those who wish to earn five ECTS.
Contact and Applications
For further information and applications, please contact directly course instructor, Docent Svetlana Pasti (