
Current projects

For research in GPT-Lab see and in database research see


We participate in cross-disciplinary project on future EV charging eco-system.  Our role in data and ICT in general.



6GSoft (2023-2026)

We are part of a project to investigate solutions and methods for building 6G software for extremely distributed and heterogeneous massive networks of connected devices. This project is funded by Business Finland and is part 6G Bridge project. Web-page:
Main contact:

GENERIOT (2022-2025)

This is an  Eureka/ITEA4 project funded by Business Finland to investigate software deployment of IoT devices. The project combines DevOps thinking and model-bases development to find novel approaches.  The project is executed in collaboration with our computer engineering research group. Web-page of the international project is at
Main contact:

LiquidAI (2023-2025)

In this project we develop ‘liquid’ IoT system architectures, where software and applications can flow from one device to another. The supported application can also include machine learning components. This consortium project with University of Jyväskylä. is funded by Business Finland and is part 6G Bridge project. Web-page:
Main contact:

IndustryX (2023-2025)

Develops technologies for edge-cloud continuum, distributed ML and federated learning with transferable computing units and data solutions. This project has been funded by Business Finland.
Main contact:

TrineFlex (2022-2026)

A Horizon Europe project to develop Integrated Energy Intensive Industry transformation toolkit.
Main contact:

DELI (2023-2025)

An academy of Finland project to build new research infrastructure for energy research. The focus of software engineering team is in data collection and data management.
Main contact:

DAZE (2023-2026)

A Business Finland funded project to develop data automation to enable zero-emission marine systems.
Main contact:

AMaLIA (2023-2025)

A Business Finland funded project where we develop agile SW development practices and AI-assisted approaches for software development.
Main contact:

SYNTHETICA (2024-2026)

An Academy of Finland project that examines the complex and multifaceted ripple effects and limitations of AI-human interplay in the contexts of work, business, and society.​ Three key intertwined research Work Packages that focus on the Language of AI (software), Limital Sensemaking (communication), and Algorithmic and Human Interplay (ventriloquial and social network analysis). ​
Main contact:

MIXED-FLEET (2024-2026)

Large cross-disciplined consortium, funded by Business Finland, find solutions for using autonomous moving machines in multi-vendor environments where autonomous machines should collaborate with manned machines.

The role of the software research center is to develop novel programming paradigms where domain experts can “program” the machines.
Our colleague from human-technology interaction team ( also participates in the project.
TASE contacts:,

ECADEC (2024-2026)

A BF-funded project to investigate the role of energy communities to tackle CO2 emissions of modern cities. Our role is in enabling information technologies  Web-pages of the project:
TASE contact:

METAWAVE (2024-2026)

Main contract:

HEDGE-IoT (2024-2026)

Main contract:

Past projects

FEMMa (2021-2024)

Electrification of the machines, and the focus is on the technologies and methods that are fundamental for replacing fossil-fuel-based power sources, enabling the improvement in productivity and extending the life-cycle of the working machines. This BF funded project is executed in collaboration with other research group at Tampere University.
Main contact:

AeroPolis (2022-2024)

Open digital platform fostering interoperability, multi-tenancy support of infrastructure, auditability of autonomous operations and open data for fleets of drones. In this project we are part of a consortium funded by the Academy of Finland. Web-page for the whole project:
Main contact:

DISMA (2019-2023)

An project funded by the Academy of Finland to design control architectures and interaction mechanisms for distributed energy resources in smart grids.
Main contact:

INGA (2022-2024)

Integrated automation and data-driven integration for distributed grid and energy resources. This BF funded project is executed in collaboration with other research group at Tampere University.
Main contact:



MicroBlock is a two-year (2021–2023) blockchain research project, in which Tampere University and Finland are connected to European EBSI-blockchain infrastructure. In practice, an EBSI-node is set up and deployed in fall 2021, followed by a pilot study about the management of micro-credentials (digital certifications about short-term learning experiences) in the infrastructure, both from end-user and organizational perspectives.

For further information, see the project-wide web-page: 

EVCommunities (2021-2023)

Develop foundations of a software system that can control and optimize the charging of EVs, take care of the bookkeeping (costs, reductions, …), support forming of the communities (e.g., two families can install a shared charging station). Funded by Ulla Tuominen Foundation.
Main contact:


VISDOM is an international Eureka/ITEA3 project that develops new types of visualisations for software development. We concentrate visualisations that are based on data from several tools and our special focus is in DevOps-type projects.
For further information, see the project-wide web-page:

Our contributors in this project are

  • Kari Systä (main contact)
  • Terhi Kilamo
  • Outi Sievi-Korte
  • Ville Heikkilä
  • Duc Hong
  • Nhi Tran


IoT systems offered by different vendors are often “silos”, where each vendor creates and controls their own separate system. These systems include physical components, such as sensors, as well as the data models and data analysis. Although this end-to-end control simplifies things, there are also serious drawbacks. Vendor lock-in means that new application innovations are hindered, and new data sources are difficult to add, when data models used by different vendors are not compatible.

In this project we develop and pilot solutions to solve the above problems. The projects is a collaboration project with Tampere University, City of Tampere, University of Oulu (lead), University of Applied Sciences in Oulu and City of Oulu.

For more information see and


The energy system is undergoing a drastic change due to several simultaneous global development drivers including changes in the energy mix, increasing amount of electric vehicles and energy storages, emergence of new digital technologies and stricter requirements for electricity supply reliability. The role of prosumers and energy communities is one of the main open questions affecting the development paths towards smart and environmentally friendly energy system.

The main objective of ProCemPlus project is to study the formation of individual energy communities into broader business-oriented energy ecosystems through several research themes and concrete pilot-cases related to the development of energy communities, and to analyze the role of microgrids and energy communities in the future energy ecosystem.

The role of TASE team of the unit of Computing Sciences is related to design of the required information system and related software/platform economy.

For more information see information about the earlier Procem-project and web-page of the new ProcemPlus project.