Science, higher education and innovation

In today’s society, the role of various types of knowledge and expertise is ever-increasing, making science and higher education central institutions. However, their significance and contributions have faced challenges and criticisms.

The role of higher education institutions (HEIs) has expanded from education and research to encompass tasks that can be labeled as a “Third Mission,” aiming to generate direct impacts on society. HEIs are expected to facilitate science-based innovations and spin-off companies. Nevertheless, our society is characterized by the introduction of novelties, some of which transform our lives, while others represent trivial changes. It is increasingly understood that innovations can also pose potential risks and hazards. We are interested in theoretical and empirical work that investigates, for example: Where are the boundaries of scientific knowledge? How and why are science and technology contested in current societies? What are the hoped-for and unforeseen impacts of innovations? Which social environments are conducive to the emergence of innovations?

Keywords: Science, technology, innovation, institutions, higher education, Third Mission

Contact persons: Mika Kautonen and Pia Vuolanto

Researchers: Mika Kautonen, Elina Mäkinen, Pia Vuolanto