
Interested to learn with us about science, technology and innovation in society?

Degree studies at Tampere University include free-choice elective studies. These studies provide students an individual opportunity to extend and advance knowledge and skills related to their personal development and to their professional or career interests.

TaSTI organizes free-choice elective studies in Science and Technology Studies (STS) and Innovation Studies in the study module:

SOC-M06 Science and Technology (20 credits)

YKT.229          Science and Technology in Society, 5 cr

YKT.YKE.601 Theories and Concepts in Social Studies of Science and Technology, 5 cr

YKT.YKE.602 History of Science and Technology, 5 cr

YKT.YKE.604 Research Areas in Social Studies of Science and Technology, 5 cr

More info:

In Finnish: https://www.tuni.fi/fi/opiskelijan-opas/opintotiedot/opintokokonaisuudet/otm-ae080e85-45a0-4e17-a201-e1fcae57fc7c

In English: https://www.tuni.fi/en/students-guide/curriculum/modules/otm-ae080e85-45a0-4e17-a201-e1fcae57fc7c

Or contact: Associate Professor Venla Oikkonen (venla.oikkonen@tuni.fi)