About us

The Transform research platform is a joint project of three faculties (SOC, MAB, MET) that aims to increase understanding of the development needs of the welfare system and create the conditions for better decision-making.


Towards Effective and Equitable Welfare Services: Translating Scientific Knowledge into Improved Practices and Outcomes

What is meant by effective welfare services? What do we mean by effectiveness? And how do we ensure equality and fairness in welfare services? Producing and securing welfare state services requires knowledge produced by multidisciplinary research. The mission of the Transform research platform is to increase understanding of the development needs of the welfare system and to create the conditions for better decision-making.


To support high-quality and socially impactful research on welfare services and their effectiveness and fairness at the University of Tampere.

How does TRANSFORM support researchers at the University of Tampere?

  • Informs, networks, mentors and spars, for example, by organizing workshops, idea groups and other similar events
  • coordinates and supports multidisciplinary research collaboration
  • By assisting with funding calls as well as during project operations
  • provides seed funding and other forms of support for new research openings and researchers
  • Interacts actively with various stakeholders.


Increasing the university’s social impact in the fields of social and health services and activities by working in cooperation with public, private and third sector actors and other stakeholders.

Acts as a point of contact for research on well-being being done in University of Tampere, with a thematic focus on effectiveness and equitability. Promotes collaboration and improves the visibility of research, creates new research projects and attracts research funding and cross-disciplinary activities, participates in national and wider discussion in its own areas of expertise, and promotes national and international cross-disciplinary cooperation with different partners.

The main mission of the TRANSFORM research platform is to support relevant high-quality research in and around the health and social sector.