
Sunday 16

Location: Tampere Hall

Relaxed getting together

  • 14:00 Tampere Hall conference centre aula, presenting Tampere city, history & future
  • 15:00 Picnic in Sorsapuisto park
  • (Entering hotels, organizing practicalities, printing posters and papers if needed)

Evening programme

  • 18:00 Guided walking tour in Tampere City Centre, ending up to Ranta-Tampella + Näsinsilta Bridge

Monday 17

Location: Lyhty, Tampere University Main Building

10-12: Opening

  • 9:45-10:00 setting up the A3 posters (coffee)
  • 10:00 Official opening of the PhD School by Panu Lehtovuori, Peter Ache & Aleksi Neuvonen
  • 10.15 Students present themselves with the A3 posters (pre-task 1)
  • 11:15 Keynote lecture by Aleksi Neuvonen

12-13 Lunch: Juvenes

13-16.30: Lectures and seminar

  • 13:00 Keynote lecture by Peter Ache
  • 13:45 PhD seminar Group 1, 15 mins per student (coffee available)
  • 15:30 Keynote lecture by Robert Goodspeed (online)

Evening programme: 

  • 18:00 Drinks and views in the Torni Hotel (Ratapihankatu 43)

Tuesday 18

Locations: Mobile workshop; Tampere School of Architecture, Hervanta Campus

10-12: City exploration by tram (Panu & Riina)
(Meeting place: Railway station main hall at 10:00)

12-13 Lunch: Hervanta student restaurant, or on the way

13-16.30: Lectures and workshop in Hervanta campus

  • 13:00 Greetings from Dean Pekka Verho
  • 13:15 Kaisa Schmidt-Thomé: Case Tampere City Region Strategy
  • 13:45 Discussing the case, futuring methods; reflections on Transformative Planning
  • 14:30 PhD seminar Groups 1, 2 & 3; 15 mins per student (coffee available)

Evening programme

  • 18:00 Boat trip to Viikinsaari Island

Wednesday 19

Location: Lyhty, Tampere University Main Building

10-12: Workshop on Archive of the Future

  • 09:00 Self-organized groups (optional; in the Main Building)
  • 10:00 Presentation of Pre-task 2 in groups (1-3)
  • 11:15 Common discussion on futuring methods, based on groups work & readings

12-13 Lunch: Juvenes

13-16: Lectures and seminar

  • 13:00 Keynote lecture by Saija Toivonen
  • 13:45 PhD seminar Groups 2 & 3, 15 mins per student (coffee available)
  • 15:15 Common discussion on PhD process, moderated by Panu Lehtovuori

Evening programme

  • 17:00 Tampere Art Museum: Hyper exhibition (at own cost)
  • 18:15-20:30 Goodbye party in Pyynikin aikamatkat (Koulukatu 19)

Thursday 20

Location: Lyhty, Tampere University Main Building

10-12: Closing session

  • Closings and openings
  • Welcome to 2025 + WPSC 2026
  • Feed-back from participants

12-13 Lunch: Juvenes

Travel home

After programme

  • 15:00-17 A possibility to visit Art House together (for those who stay in Tampere longer)