Promoting healthier urban environments: towards pollution free cities

air and noise pollution

Seminar: Wednesday, October 30th 15:00-18:30, Festia Pieni Sali, Hervanta

Pollution is one of the leading causes of premature mortality worldwide. In the EU, particulate air pollution is estimated to cause around 238,000 deaths per year in the EU, while noise pollution is estimated to cause around 11,000 deaths per year. Both types of pollution also cause ill health, with diseases relating to exposure causing suffering and significant healthcare costs. Removing or reducing some of the key emissions sources of noise and air pollution (for example road traffic and industry) will also have significant co-benefits for mitigating climate change. 

In this seminar, experts from across Europe will present their research on the sources, health consequences, and social dimensions of pollution exposures. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity for drinks and networking with the visiting researchers. 

The seminar is aimed for everyone interested in pollution free of charge. The seminar is supported with funding from the Tampere Urban Research Network for Sustainability and Sustainable Transitions of Urban Environments. 

Please register here.

15:00 – Welcome words  

Jonathon Taylor, Associate Professor in Urban Physics, Tampere University 

15:15 – Tracking Progress on the Health Effects of Climate Change 

Shih-Che Hsu, Research Fellow in Building Stock and Indoor Air Quality Modelling, Bartlett School Env, Energy & Resources, UCL, UK  

15:35 – Home Energy Efficiency, Ventilation, and Health

James Milner, Associate Professor in Climate Change, Environment & Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Health, London, UK 

15:55 – Modelling Transportation Noise and Assessing the Risk to Human Health 

Jon-Paul Faulkner, Lecturer and Research Fellow, School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy, University College Dublin, Ireland 

16:15 – Social Determinants of Health 

Meri Kouvusalo, Associate Professor in the Global Health and Social Policy group, Tampere University, Finland 

16:35 – Residents versus local authorities. Is real cooperation with the city possible?

Ewa Duda, Assistant Professor at Maria Grzegorzewska University, Warsaw, Poland

16:55 – Community-based Monitoring of Air Pollution 

Anna-Kaisa Viitanen, Senior Research Associate, Tampere University, Finland 

17:15 – Questions and Discussion 

17:30 – 18:30 – Drinks and Reception