Pilot study on Indoor Air Quality monitoring

The Urban Physics Research Group is looking for enthusiastic citizen scientists to measure indoor air quality in their homes.

As a part of the study, you will participate in two in-person workshops where an introduction to indoor air quality will be given, and you will be shown how to monitor it. An indoor air quality monitoring sensor will be provided for you to set up in your own home for the duration of the two-week monitoring campaign. Beyond that, you will also answer some questionnaires about the experience as a participant volunteer.

The aim is that you, as a participant, get insights into the air quality in your home, while enabling research on the usability of low-cost air quality monitoring devices.

The study will be making use of community-based monitoring (CBM) to test indoor air quality monitoring sensors. The use of CBM in environmental data collection is gaining traction and its possible benefits for research and policymaking are of increasing interest. For more details on the use of CBM see this commentary: Community-based Monitoring of Urban Environmental Data – Commentaries (buildingsandcities.org)

Some important dates:

07.11.2024 at 16-18              Opening Workshop on indoor air quality, instruction on how to measure air quality at your home

26.11.2024 at 16-19              Closing workshop on indoor air quality, return of the sensors

Anyone is welcome to participate in the measurements (one volunteer per household). No prior knowledge of indoor air quality or measurements are required. We have place for 20 volunteers. Places are filled in order of registration.

Please read the Information sheet for more information here: TAU_Pilot study on IAQ_informationsheet

More information on data protection and processing personal data in Tampere Universities community is available here: Data protection and processing personal data in Tampere Universities community | Tampere universities (tuni.fi)


Please register your interest here by 4th November 2024.


If you have any further questions on the study, participation or otherwise, contact:

Anna-Kaisa Viitanen

Postdoctoral research Fellow, DSc (tech)

Faculty of Built Environment

tel. +358 50 409 1813
