Conference presentations


Ainasoja, M., Mesiranta, N., Vänskä, M., Mattila, M. & Närvänen, E. (2024). Circular consumption practices and sustainable well-being: An explorative framework. Macromarketing Conference 2024, 17. –20.6.2024, Helsinki, Finland.


Mesiranta, N. Mattila, M., Närvänen, E., & Koskinen, O. (2023). Living with materials: Feminist ethics of care in circular consumption. Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 28.–30.6.2023, Lund, Sweden.

Mesiranta, N. Mattila, M., & Närvänen, E. (2023). Societal impact through transformative consumer research: Relational engagement for food waste reduction. ICoHDES conference, 14. –15.8.2023, Bandung, Indonesia.

Mesiranta, N. Mattila, M., Närvänen, E. , & Renny Octavia, J. (2023) Framing the food waste problem in higher education in Indonesia. ICoHDES conference, 14.-15.8.2023, Bandung, Indonesia.


Mesiranta, N., Luukkonen, R., Sutinen, U-M., Kaivonen, I., Mattila, M., & Närvänen, E. (2022). How fashion consumption practices are shaped towards circularity: Profiling the followers of sustainable fashion influencers. Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference (NRWC), 8.–10.11.2022, Tampere, Finland.

Mesiranta, N., Sutinen, U-M., Mattila, M., Bartek, L., Sjölund, A., Cicatiello, C., & Närvänen, E. (2022). Food waste reduction at the bakery-retailer interface - Challenges and solutions. Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference (NRWC), 8.–10.11.2022, Tampere, Finland.

Mesiranta, N., Sutinen, U-M., Scherhaufer, S., Luck, S., Chroni, C., Abeliotis, K., & Lasaridi, K. (2022). Measuring household food waste with a waste audit in Austria, Finland and Greece: Lessons learnt. RETASTE - Rethink Food Waste conference, 20.–21.10.2022, Iraklion, Greece.

Närvänen, E., Mesiranta, N., Chroni, C., Abeliotis, K., & Lasaridi, K. (2022). The potential of consumer mobile applications for food waste reduction - A systematic literature review. RETASTE - Rethink Food Waste conference, 20.–21.10.2022, Iraklion, Greece.

Kaivonen, I., Mesiranta, N., & Närvänen, E. (2022). Sustainable fashion influencers as institutional entrepreneurs in the Circular Economy. Nordic Academy of Management (NFF) conference, 24.–26.8.2022, Örebro, Sweden.

Luukkonen, R., Närvänen, E., & Becker, L. (2022). Consumer collectives in Circular Economy: A systematic literature review. Nordic Academy of Management (NFF) conference, 24.–26.8.2022, Örebro, Sweden.

Mesiranta, N., Närvänen, E., Mattila, M., & Renny Octavia, Johanna (2022). Perceptions of food waste as a wicked problem in Indonesia: Insights from Higher Education stakeholders. Nordic Academy of Management (NFF) conference, 24.–26.8.2022, Örebro, Sweden.

Mesiranta, N., Närvänen, E. & Luukkonen, R. (2022). Aligning sustainable fashion consumption with social media influencing: A practice theory approach. Symposium of the International Research Network on Sustainable Fashion Consumption 30.3.–1.4.2022, online.


Mesiranta, N., Närvänen, E., Luukkonen, R. & Kaivonen, I. (2021). Social media influencers educating consumers on sustainable fashion. Association for Consumer Research Conference 2021, 28.–30.10.2021, Seattle (online).

Kaivonen, I., Mesiranta, N., Närvänen, E., & Perkiömäki, T. (2021). Start-ups as change-agents in circular fashion - examining customer value propositions. Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 2021, 12.–13.10.2021, Open University Israel (online).

Kaivonen, I., Mesiranta, N., & Närvänen, E. (2021). Sustainable fashion influencers as institutional entrepreneurs in the circular economy. Responsible Business Research Seminar 2021, 17.–18.3.2021 Tampere University (online).


Närvänen, E., Mattila, M. & Nurminen, M. (2020). Towards a circular economy: Framing sustainable value propositions in food waste reduction business. Responsible Business Research Seminar 2020, 11.–12.3.2020 Tampere.


Närvänen, E., Mattila, M., & Nurminen, M. (2019). Framing customer value propositions in the circular economy. ANZMAC Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 2.–5.12.2019.

Sutinen, U., & Närvänen, E. (2019). Construction of a sustainability issue arena: Analyzing online discussion on food waste during ‘Food Waste Week’. Corporate Responsibility Research Conference, Tampere University, 11–13.9.2019.

Sutinen, U. & Närvänen, E. (2019). Issue arena for food waste: Toward socio-cultural change in social marketing. 44th Annual Conference of the Macromarketing Society, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 25–29.6.2019.

Lehtokunnas, T., Mattila, M., Närvänen, E. & Mesiranta, N. (2019). Fascinated by food waste? Constituting ethical subjectivity in relation to food waste. Nordic Science and Technology Studies Conference, 6/2019, Tampere, Finland, 13–14.6.2019.