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Efficient Image-Warping Framework for Content-Adaptive Superpixels Generation
Chuchvara, A. & Gotchev, A.
Online Own Voice Detection for a Multi-Channel Multi-Sensor In-Ear Device
Pertilä, P., Fagerlund, E., Huttunen, A. & Myllylä, V.
Learning Wavefront Coding for Extended Depth of Field Imaging
Akpinar, U., Sahin, E., Meem, M., Menon, R. & Gotchev, A.
Optimized 3D Scene Rendering on Projection-Based 3D Displays
Doronin, O., Bregovic, R. & Gotchev, A.
Retro-Reflective-Marker-Aided Target Pose Estimation in a Safety-Critical Environment
Gonçalves Ribeiro, L., Suominen, O. J., Durmush, A., Peltonen, S., Morales, E. R. & Gotchev, A.
Robust vision using retro reflective markers for remote handling in ITER
Gonçalves Ribeiro, L., Suominen, O. J., Peltonen, S., Morales, E. R. & Gotchev, A.
Computer-Generated Holograms for 3D Imaging: A Survey
Sahin, E., Stoykova, E., Mäkinen, J. & Gotchev, A.
Multi-View Camera Pose Estimation for Robotic Arm Manipulation
Ali, I., Suominen, O., Morales, E. R., & Gotchev, A.
FinnForest dataset: A forest landscape for visual SLAM
Ali, I., Durmush, A., Suominen, O., Yli-Hietanen, J., Peltonen, S., Collin, J., & Gotchev, A.
Self-Supervised Light Field Reconstruction Using Shearlet Transform and Cycle Consistency
Gao, Y., Bregović, R., & Gotchev, A.
Design and characterization of light field and holographic near-eye displays
Sahin, E., Mäkinen, J., Akpinar, U., Miyanishi, Y. & Gotchev, A.
Shearlet Transform based Light Field Compression Under Low Bitrates
Ahmad, W., Vagharshakyan, S., Sjöström, M., Gotchev, A., Bregovic, R. & Olsson, R.
Fast and Accurate Depth Estimation From Sparse Light Fields
Chuchvara, A., Barsi A. & Gotchev, A.
Depth Resolution of 3D Imaging Techniques for Target Detection in Mobile Work Machines
Suominen, O. J., Gonçalves Ribeiro, L. & Gotchev, A.
Photogrammetric Multi-Camera Calibration Using An Industrial Programmable Robotic Arm
Gonçalves Ribeiro, L., Durmush, A., Suominen, O. & Gotchev, A.
Data-Dependent Ensemble of Magnitude Spectrum Predictions for Single Channel Speech Enhancement
Pertilä, P.
Content-Adaptive Superpixel Segmentation Via Image Transformation
Chuchvara, A. & Gotchev, A.
Light field reconstruction using shearlet transform in tensorflow
Gao, Y., Koch, R., Bregovic, R. & Gotchev, A.
MAST: Mask-accelerated shearlet transform for densely-sampled light field reconstruction
Gao, Y., Bregovic, R., Gotchev, A. & Koch, R.
Modeling lens optics and rendering virtual views from fisheye imagery
Gama, F., Georgiev, M. & Gotchev, A.
Methods for simultaneous robot-world-hand–eye calibration: A comparative study
Ali, I., Suominen, O., Gotchev, A. & Morales, E. R
Non-Planar Inside-Out Dense Light-Field Dataset and Reconstruction Pipeline
Zakeri, F.S., Durmush, A., Ziegler, M., Bätz, M. & Keinert, J.
Signal Processing Methods for Light Field Displays
Bregovic, R., Sahin, E., Vagharshakyan, S. & Gotchev, A.
Time Difference of Arrival Estimation of Speech Signals Using Deep Neural Networks with Integrated Time-frequency Masking
Pertilä, P. & Parviainen, M
A stereoscopic eye-in-hand vision system for remote handling in ITER
Niu, L., Aha, L., Mattila, J., Gotchev, A. & Ruiz, E.
CDTB: A Color and Depth Visual Object Tracking Dataset and Benchmark
Lukežič, A., Kart, U., Käpylä, J., Durmush, A., Kämäräinen, J. K., Matas, J., & Kristan, M.
Analysis of accommodation cues in holographic stereograms
Mäkinen, J., Sahin, E. & Gotchev, A.
Viewing simulation of integral imaging display based on wave optics
Akpinar, U., Sahin, E. & Gotchev, A.
Discrimination of active dynamic objects in stereo-based visual SLAM
Ali, I., Suominen, O. & Gotchev, A.
Conversion of sparsely-captured light field into alias-free fullparallax multiview content
Sahin, E., Vagharshakyan, S., Bregovic, R., Lee, G. & Gotchev, A.
Continuous Refocusing for Integral Microscopy with Fourier Plane Recording
Moreschini, S., Scrofani, G., Bregovic, R., Saavedra, G. & Gotchev, A.
Unsupervised calibration of RGB-NIR capture pairs utilizing dense multimodal image correspondences
Gama, F., Georgiev, M. & Gotchev, A.
Speckle reduction method for image-based coherent stereogram generation
Kinen, J. M., Sahin, E. & Gotchev, A.
Eye-in-Hand Manipulation for Remote Handling: Experimental Setup
Niu, L., Suominen, O., M. Aref, M., Mattila, J., Ruiz, E. & Esque, S.
Light Field Reconstruction Using Shearlet Transform
Vagharshakyan, S., Bregovic, R. & Gotchev, A.
Time-of-Flight Range Measurement in Low-sensing Environment: Noise Analysis and Complex-domain Non-local Denoising
Georgiev, M., Bregovic, R. & Gotchev, A.
Dynamic speckle analysis with smoothed intensity-based activity maps
Stoykova, E., Berberova, N., Kim, Y., Nazarova, D., Ivanov, B., Gotchev, A.
The Effect of Light Field Reconstruction and Angular Resolution Reduction on the Quality of Experience
Kara, P. A., Kovacs, P. T., Vagharshakyan, S., Martini, M. G., Barsi, A., Balogh, T., Chuchvara, A. & Chehaibi, A.
Architectures and codecs for real-time light field streaming
Kovács, P. T., Zare, A., Balogh, T., Bregovic, R. & Gotchev, A.
Uncoordinated multi-user video streaming in VANETs using Skype
Belyaev, E., Moreschini, S. & Vinel, A
Accelerated Shearlet-Domain Light Field Reconstruction
Vagharshakyan, S., Bregovic, R. & Gotchev, A.
Depth from Defocus and Coded Apertures for 3D Scene Sensing
Sahin, E., Wang, C. & Gotchev, A.
Dynamic laser speckle metrology with binarization of speckle patterns
Stoykova, E., Nazarova, D., Berberova, N., Gotchev, A., Ivanov, B. & Mateev, G.
Perceptual quality of reconstructed medical images on projection-based light field displays
Kara, P. A., Kovacs, P. T., Vagharshakyan, S., Martini, M. G., Imre, S., Barsi, A., Lackner, K. & Balogh, T.
Quantifying spatial and angular resolution of light field 3D displays
Kovacs, P., Bregovic, R., Boev, A. R., Barsi, A. & Gotchev, A.
Decoding complexity reduction in projection-based light-field 3D displays using self-contained HEVC tiles
Zare, A., Kovacs, P. T., Aminlou, A., Hannuksela, M. M. & Gotchev, A.
Shearlet-domain light field reconstruction for holographic stereogram generation
Sahin, E., Vagharshakyan, S., Mäkinen, J., Bregovic, R. & Gotchev, A.
Super-resolution in a defocused plenoptic camera: a wave-optics-based approach
Sahin, E., Katkovnik, V. & Gotchev, A.
On the asymmetric view+depth 3D scene representation
Georgiev, M. & Gotchev, A.
Optimization of light field display-camera configuration based on display properties in spectral domain
Bregovic, R., Kovács, P. & Gotchev, A.
Depth Assisted Composition of Synthetic and Real 3D Scenes
Cortes, S., Suominen, O. & Gotchev, A.
Non-uniform resampling in perspective compensated large scale 3D visualization
Vagharshakyan, S., Bregovic, R. & Gotchev, A.
Intensity-based pointwise processing in dynamic laser speckle analysis
Stoykova, E., Berberova, N., Nazarova, D. & Gotchev, A.
Tree-structured algorithm for efficient shearlet-domain light field reconstruction
Vagharshakyan, S., Bregovic, R. & Gotchev, A.
Efficient Cost Volume Sampling for Plane Sweeping Based Multiview Depth Estimation
Suominen, O. & Gotchev, A.
Image Based Rendering Technique via Sparse Representation in Shearlet Domain
Vagharshakyan, S., Bregovic, R. & Gotchev, A.
Published MOBILE3DTV: Content delivery optimization over DVB-H system
Akar, G. B. & Gotchev, A.
Audio signal processing apparatus
Niemistö, R. E., Vartiainen, J. P., Dumitrescu, B. & Bregovic, R.
Depth Map Compression Using Color-Driven Isotropic Segmentation and Regularised Reconstruction
Georgiev, M., Belyaev, E. & Gotchev, A.
Self-contained slices in H.264 for partial video decoding targeting 3D light-field displays
Zare, A., Kovacs, P. & Gotchev, A.
Speed-optimized free-viewpoint rendering based on depth layering
Chuchvara, A., Suominen, O., Georgiev, M. & Gotchev, A.
Fixed-pattern noise suppression in low-sensing environment of Time-of-Flight devices
Georgiev, M., Bregovic, R. & Gotchev, A.
Comparison of Cost Aggregation Techniques for Free-Viewpoint Image Interpolation Based on Plane Sweeping
Smirnov, S., Georgiev, M. & Gotchev, A.
Accuracy evaluation of a linear positioning system for light field capture
Vagharshakyan, S., Durmush, A., Suominen, O., Bregovic, R. & Gotchev, A.
Measurement of Perceived Spatial Resolution in 3D Light-field Displays
Kovacs, P. T., Lackner, K., Barsi, A., Balazs, A., Boev, A., Bregovic, R. & Gotchev, A.
On the Performance of Multirate Filterbanks: Quantification of Shift Variance and Cyclostationarity in the works of Till Aach
Bregovic, R. & Gotchev, A.
Quality Measurement of 3D light-Field Displays
Kovacs, P. T., Boev, A., Bregovic, R. & Gotchev, A.
Quantifying the importance of cyclopean view and binocular rivalry-related features for objective quality assessment of mobile 3D video
Jin, L., Boev, A., Egiazarian, K. & Gotchev, A.
Super resolution inverse imaging for plenoptic camera using wavefield modeling
Helin, P., Katkovnik, V., Gotchev, A. & Astola, J.
A Fast and Accurate Re-calibration Technique for Misaligned Stereo Cameras
Georgiev, M., Gotchev, A. & Hannuksela, M.
Proc. SPIE 8655, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XI
Egiazarian, K. (ed.), Agaian, S. (ed.) & Gotchev, A. (ed.)
A disparity range estimation technique for stereo-video streaming applications
Smirnov, S., Gotchev, A. & Hannuksela, M.
Circular Trajectory Correspondences for Iterative Closest Point Registration
Suominen, O. & Gotchev, A.
De-noising of distance maps sensed by time-of-flight devices in poor sensing environment
Georgiev, M., Gotchev, A. & Hannuksela, M.
Influence of camera imaging pipeline on stereo-matching quality: An experimental study
Georgiev, M., Gotchev, A. & Hannuksela, M.
Joint de-noising and fusion of 2D video and depth map sequences sensed by low-powered tof range sensor
Georgiev, M., Gotchev, A. & Hannuksela, M.
Real-time denoising of ToF measurements by spatio-temporal non-local mean filtering
Georgiev, M., Gotchev, A. & Hannuksela, M.
Proc. SPIE 8295, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems X; and Parallel Processing for Imaging Applications II
Egiazarian, K. (ed.), Agaian, S. (ed.), Gotchev, A. (ed.)
3D-DCT based multi-scale full-reference quality metric for stereoscopic video
Jin, L., Boev, A., Gotchev, A. & Egiazarian, K.
Deblocking of mobile stereo video
Azzari, L., Gotchev, A. & Egiazarian, K.
Fast repurposing of high-resolution stereo video content for mobile use
Karaoglu, A., Lee, B., Boev, A., Cheong, W. & Gotchev, A.
Fusion of eye-tracking data from multiple observers for increased 3D gaze tracking precision
Hanhela, M., Boev, A., Gotchev, A. & Hannuksela, M.
Implementation of Depth Map Filtering Algorithms on Mobile-Specific Platforms
Suominen, O., Sen, S., Smirnov, S. & Gotchev, A.
Inverse polynomial reconstruction method in DCT domain
Dadkhahi, H., Gotchev, A. & Egiazarian, K.
Methods for depth-map filtering in view-plus-depth 3D video representation
Smirnov, S., Gotchev, A. & Egiazarian, K.
Stereoscopic Depth Cues Outperform Monocular Ones on Autostereoscopic Display
Mikkola, M., Jumisko-Pyykkö, S., Strohmeier, D., Boev, A. & Gotchev, A.
Transform domain similarity measures in stereo matching
Suominen, O., Gotchev, A. & Hannuksela, M.
Visual-quality evaluation methodology for multiview displays
Boev, A., Bregovic, R. & Gotchev, A.