
DREX – Space, Theatre & Experience – Novel Forms of Evental Space
DREX Information Package / Introduction

This information package brings together the research conducted in the cross-disciplinary project DREX (2009-2012) at the University of Tampere / Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre, targeting the interaction between human performers in 3D space and various technologies devised to interpret their expression.

Part of the Spaces and Places programme of the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation TEKES, the project (in full: Space, Theatre & Experience – Novel Forms of Evental Space) introduces seamless, genuinely interactive technological solutions, enabling the development of novel methods of interaction in diverse spatial infrastructures: simulated and educational environments, everyday spaces, public venues, and spaces for artistic events especially in the performing arts.



1.Wii Remote controlling performative situations

a) photos

b) videos

2. City Story

a) photos

b) videos

3. Touching objects

a) photos

b) videos

4. Movement/image

a) videos

5. Energo-installation

a) photos

b) videos

c) technical drawings

6. Valoa-workshop – ´Sacral City´

a) photos

b) videos

7. Not Named, the dance piece

a) photos

b) videos

c) technical drawings

8. Interactive programme guide

a) photos

9. Heureka, Science Theatre Minerva

a) photos

b) videos

10. Projection cube: product demonstration concept

a) photos

b) videos

c) technical drawings

11. Texts and publications