The Boundaries of Performing

The research group gathers the research of performing arts at the Tampere university. The group combines artistic research with art research, artistic pedagogy and the applied research of performing arts.

The group approaches, challenges, expands and redefines the boundaries of performing, that is what performing arts (in theatre, dance, live art, performance art) can do and what kinds of forms it can take. Those boundaries may be e.g. corporeal, material, institutional, technical, ethical, political, societal, ecological, spiritual, or epistemological. The goal of the group is by means of performing arts to renew the way people perceive, sense, act and live in the changing planetary environments.

The activities of the group are linked with the teaching at NÄTY. Most of the teaching staff-members of NÄTY engage in research and belong to the group. Many courses include research aspects or occur in a research environment, thereby making research a natural part of acting studies.

The Boundaries of Performing is one of the research groups of Taru Research Centre of Communication Studies and it collaborates and communicates with the other groups of the centre. It continues the work of the T7 Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre, started in 2007 at the Tampere University.


If you are interested in doctoral studies in the field of performing arts, see: