Theatres of the Future


Theatres of the Future -project is initiated by the upcoming renovation works in the two local flagship theatres, Tampere Theatre and TTT-Theatre. The project collects a report on the possible strategies for the theatres in the future. As the physical conditions of the theatre buildings also define the artistic contents created within the architecture, the renovation planning presents also a good moment to imagine the trajectory to the year 2030 and beyond.

The lockdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic ceased all theatrical events globally. However, the situation provides an opportunity for theatres to look for alternative ways of working for the future.

The starting point of the project is in the theatres’ strategic focus points. The report gathers together around them a variety of professional insights from the points of view of construction engineering, performing arts, ecology, work culture and urban planning.

By tightening the collaboration between the theatres and Tampere University the project partners are seeking to strengthen the diversity of areal field of performing arts. The theatre of the future in Tampere is constantly developing international hub of know-how that lays an excellent ground for the potential Tampere 2026 European Capital of Culture program.


Jaakko Lenni-Taattola
Project Researcher
Theatres of the Future -project
jaakko.lenni-taattola (a)
+358 41 444 0138
Tampere University
Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences (ITC)