Magnitudes of Performativity: Donald Trump in the Anthropo(s)cene' by Teemu Paavolainen

NTS 30:2 out now! Includes ‘Magnitudes of Performativity: Donald Trump in the Anthropo(s)cene’ by Teemu Paavolainen.

Nordic Theatre Studies is the leading academic journal for theatre researchers in the Nordic and Baltic countries and for all scholars writing about theatre and performance related to these countries. It has been selected for inclusion in Web of Science and Scopus as well as Ebsco and Google Scholar. In 1988 Föreningen Nordiska Teaterforskare (NTF) established Nordic Theatre Studies as a journal of scholarly writing on theatre. Ever since it has published research on all aspects of theatre in the Nordic region, including since 2012 the Baltic countries Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, and it has promoted Nordic and Baltic scholars writing on any aspect of theatre in the world. Within the Nordic and Baltic region, it is the only English language publication on its subject. Since 2014 NTS is published twice every year. One number addresses a certain theme announced in a call for contributions, the other number is dedicated to selected and peer reviewed articles developed from papers presented at conferences, seminars and/or workshops organized by or in collaboration with the Association. The themed numbers of the journal also allow for a few articles, which do not address the theme. Each number has a section with reviews of new publications within the field of theatre studies.