New Article by Marleena Huuhka - Performing Gameplay – A Study of Video Game Performance Workshops

Marleena Huuhka, 2021. Performing Gameplay – A Study of Video Game Performance Workshops. Body, Space & Technology, 20(1), pp.14–24

Exploring Counterplay in Video Games through Artaudian Performance Theory

Marleena Huuhka’s doctoral thesis Exploring Counterplay in Video Games through Artaudian Performance Theory examines performance and performance space in video games through Antonin Artaud’s concept of theatre. The goal is to recognize and produce new ways of shaping and taking control of virtual and physical space during the game event. Huuhka’s research is positioned in the crossroads of three research traditions: performance research, game research and new materialism.

The results from Huuhka’s thesis will help to conceive emerging strategies of counterplay in changing game cultures. In a broader sense, it reflects changes in the practices of mediated digital culture environments as well as changes in the interaction between humans and technology – it assesses the problems of the fluid relationships between culture, knowledge and society. This study will adjust and affect how multimodality and cultural performance will be perceived and produced in the future.