


Arts in Care and Prison

Cycling as Political Argumentation: Agency in City Traffic A

Exploring Counterplay in Video Games through Artaudian Performance Theory

Plural Performativity: Theatrical Models Against the Inversion of Western Thought





Telepresence in performance training and Performing Arts

Theatres of the Future

The Feel of Singing: Aesthetic Body Awareness in the Vocal Experiences of Deaf, Tone-deaf, and People with Vocal Disorders

Video scenarios in medical education

Drex – Space, Theatre & Experience – Novel Forms of Evental Space


Textures of Thought: Dramaturgy, Performance, and Cognitive Ecology

TNT – Theatre & New Technology: Digital Solutions in Performing Arts

VIMMA Project
The VIMMA project establishes an unprecedented, internationally networked and economically vital locus of digital economy in Finland, with an eye to the emergent role of mixed reality solutions in live performance contexts.

The Effective Circus Project
The goal for The Effective Circus Project is to increase the employment on circus field by improving the circus organizations

BaNd network
BaNd network is a Baltic/Nordic contemporary performing arts platform for exchange, action and reflection beyond one’s own genre and artistic perspectives.

Theatre Touring Network project (TEKIJÄ)
TEKIJÄ is a 2,5 year long project coordinated by the Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre (University of Tampere) and partly funded by the European Social Fund (ESF). The project will be carried out in 2011-2013.

Video in the Theatre
In April 2008, the Centre for Research as Practice in Theatre will launch a research project studying the possibilities of video in the theatre and in live performances.

Arts for Empowerment
Improving the service design skills between arts and health care

Theatre as a Medium
In autumn 2007, the Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre launched a research project that studies different recording possibilities of theatre performances, their digital life cycle, new forms of the theatre in the impact environment of developing technology and the potential of such recordings to develop into new works of art, theatre videos or theatre medium.

is a European theatre project involving the following:
Théâtre National de Bretagne, Rennes, France
Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Modena, Italy
Théâtre de la Place, Liège, Belgium
Fundacão Centro Cultural de Belém, Lissabon, Portugal
Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz Berlin, Germany
Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre, Tampere, Finland
The partners are elite European theatre units that have performed productions of various top directors together and separately.

The Dark project: LIGHT NOISE
The third phase of a performance project which started 2004. General aim of all the Dark projects is to scrutinize conditions under which a performance takes place and what is its relationship to visibility. LIGHT NOISE is produced by the Performing Arts Association which collaborates with the Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre and the Kiasma Theatre.

Space, Theatre & Experience – Novel Forms of Evental Space
Co-operation project between three research units at the University of Tampere: the Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre, TAUCHI (Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction) and Theatre and Drama Research.

Sound and Stage
The Sound and Stage project studies sound on stage from two directions: sound as sound, not as music or support for narration, but as an independent phenomenon and, on the other hand, the formation of the stage (separate of the requirements of the plot or illusion that are both forged on stage), i.e. the will of the stage – what kind of a sound the stage requires.

Plane Sound in Theatres
A preliminary inspection of the application of plane sound and its acoustic possibilities in the theatre environment.

Social Circus
The Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre at the University of Tampere runs a nationwide project with ESF (European Social Fund) support in the field of social circus in Finland. The main goals of the Social Circus -project is to stabilize social circus in the Finnish circus scene, develop it as a welfare service and create a functional network among the people who practise social circus in Finland. The project is funded by the State Provincial Office of Lapland.

Playback Theatre project for professional actors (2009-2011)
The group of professional actors will meet in 10-12 rehearsals during each year. At the end of each year, a series of public performances and a seminar open for public will be organised in spring, through which the group’s development and the progress of the process can also be seen by the public. A study of the impact of Playback Theatre on acting will be conducted on the basis of the material collected during the project. Minna Hokkanen snd Tiina Syrjä.

Finnish translation of Mihail Tshehov’s “O Tehnike Aktjora” (2009-
A Finnish Translation of Mihail Tshehov’s work published in 1946 describing the technique of acting and Tshehov’s thoughts and practices. Sirke Lääkkölä.

Voimavara project was about creating innovative and sector-crossing models for collaboration between arts and health care. The project was conducted in spring 2009.

From Light to Space
In spring and early summer 2008, I will examine and document the interaction between light, colour, substance and space in the facilities of the Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre.

YLÖS – Challenges of audience development and education within theatre
Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre at the University of Tampere runs a project with European Social Fund’s (ESF) support in the field of audience development and education within theatre in Finland.
The project will take a look at the current status of audience development and education carried out in professional theatres.

Theatrical Encounter from the viewpoint of Practice-Based Theatre Research
The project organises seminars, discussions and working group activities concentrating on questions of audiences within practice-based theatre research and aims at developing the relationships between theatre research and artistic work, both at a national and international level. It examines how experimental artistic work and different audiences can meet and compiles material for teaching and research.

Acrobatics for the Timid
The Acrobatics for the Timid dance performance deals with the fear that restricts individual actions, rational/irrational fear, fear as a resource. The objective of the work process is to handle these issues related generally to being humans and the character of dancer/dance makers and performers and create them into moving and expressive materials through physical exercises using our bodies.

Social circus – review project
Centre for Practise as Research in Theatre at the University of Tampere runs a review project with European Social Fund’s (ESF) support in the field of social circus. Sofia-Charlotta Vartiainen is acting as project manager. The review project explores what possibilities, methods and collaboration opportunities there are to start a nationwide social circus project in 2009 – 2011. Circus as an art form is very approachable and provides a diverse cultural experience.

Trionysos is a three-part project consisting of two performances in a dark space and a course dealing with the description and verbalisation of movement. Johanna Röholm.

0dB – Zero decibels
Zero decibels is a small-scale experimental two-day event of movement and sound to be organised in Tampere in spring 2009. The programme will consist of two dance and music improvisation workshops, minimalistic performing arts reconstruction performances, public discussions and a discussion seminar.

Book of Songs
The project is musically based on a cornerstone of German lied music: Robert Schumann’s Heine songs. Lied is traditionally a genre tied to the concert format, but now it will be combined with dramatisation on stage. The project will be implemented in spring 2009 under the management of PIRAMK and TAMK.

Musician as a Narrator, Researcher as a Musician (2008-2009)
The ‘Musician as a narrator, researcher as a musician’ narrative series of concerts is part of Tuuli Talvitie´s doctoral dissertation in the Department of Music Anthropology at the University of Tampere. The topic of dissertation is the local history of dance music and its resounding interpretation.

Plugged-in Acerbi (2007)
The project uses art to study new methods and viewpoints of combining music with text, language, speech, sound (human, instrumental, environmental or synthetic sounds) and space in the form of a collective production using sound and network technologies.