
All publication  on TuniCris

Selected publications

Andrianov, Katriina (2024).Children, Birds, Flowers—A Minor Musical: Performance as Prayer.” Cusack, Tim & Orenstein, Claudia (eds.), Puppet and Spirit: Ritual, Religion, and Performing Objects, Volume II Contemporary Branchings: Secular Benedictions, Activated Energies, Uncanny Faiths, 123–135.  London, New York: Routledge.

Giovanzana, Davide (2024). Performing ViolenceLimits and Transformative Means in Staged Violence. Routledge. London 2024.

Kirkkopelto, Esa (2024). Monster and Khôra: Re-Imagining the Performing Body with Plato, Études de Lettres, nro 234, 2024, 107–128.

Kosonen, Heidi, & Nousiainen, Susi (2024). Kehopositiivisuusaktivistien strategioita vihapuhetta vastaan: Huolenpitoa ja vastarepresentaatioita suomalaisessa Instagramissa. Media & viestintä, 47(1), 23–46.

Andrianov, Katriina (2023). ”Manipuloinnin kieli. Työelämä esityksenä.” Granberg, Heini, Huuhka, Marleena & Moisio, Saara (eds.), Näyttämö ja tutkimus 9: Esitys, katsoja ja läsnäolo, 193–196. Helsinki: Teatterintutkimuksen seura. Noudettu osoitteesta  

Paavolainen, T. (2023). Economies and Ecologies: Figures of Spectating and the Enclosure of Emancipation. Näyttämö Ja Tutkimus9, 121–137. Noudettu osoitteesta

Roihankorpi, R., Bastamow, T., Laurila, J., Lenni-Taattola, J., Lähteenmäki, E., Peltola, S., & Viikari, T. (2023). The Future of Culture’s Powerhouses: On the Accessibility, Viability, and Design of Hybrid Performance. Näyttämö Ja Tutkimus9, 57–68. Noudettu osoitteesta

Hulkko, Pauliina. (2022). The Murky (Hi)Story of Early Directing Education – And What We Can Learn From It. Ed. Balevičiūtė, Ramunė, Lavaste, Saana, Suša, Anja, Þorleifsdóttir, Una. Looking for Direction – Rethinking Theatre Directing Practices and Pedagogies in the 21st CenturyTeatterikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja 74.

Paavolainen, Teemu. (2022). Performing Communism, or, What if we Took Meyerhold’s Politics Seriously? The Routledge Companion to Vsevolod Meyerhold

Andrianov, Katriina (2021). Solutions to Homesickness. Fooken, Insa & Mikota, Jana (eds.), denkste: puppe / just a bit of: doll (de:do) 1/2021: Dolls/puppets as soulmates – the meaning of one’s own doll(s)/puppets in biography and artistic-literary work, 81–86. Research Centre Writing Culture at the University of Siegen. Noudettu osoitteesta  

Huuhka, Marleena. (2021). Performing Gameplay – A study of video game performance workshops Body, Space & Technology (BST)

Huuhka, Marleena, 2020Reconfiguring Human, Nonhuman, and Posthuman in Literature and Culture. Karkulehto, S., Koistinen, A-K. & Varis, E. (eds.). London & New York: Routledgep. 218-235 (Perspectives on the Non-Human in Literature and Culture).

Paavolainen, Teemu. (2020). Doing Things With Natures : A Performative History in Four Anthropo(s)cenes. Nordic Theatre Studies 32 (1), 6-26.

Roihankorpi, Riku; Delbridge, Matthew. (2020). On Sustainability, the Live Arts, and Learning: The Hybrid Body as A Digital Asset of Theatre Training and Research. Arti dello Spettacolo / Performing Arts VI (Special Issue), 77-84.

Pekkala Laura, Roihankorpi Riku. (2018). An artistic community and a workplace : how Finnish independent theatres interact with money. Nordic Theatre Studies 30 (1), 115-143.

Paavolainen Teemu. (2018). Magnitudes of Performativity : Donald Trump in the Anthropo(s)cene. Nordic Theatre Studies 30 (2), 78–98.

Paavolainen Teemu. (2018). Poor Theatre, Rich Theatre : Layers of Exchange in Two Adaptations of Ingmar Bergman and Paavo Haavikko. Nordic Theatre Studies 30 (1), 144-164.

Paavolainen Teemu. (2018). Theatricality and Performativity : Writings on Texture from Plato’s Cave to Urban Activism. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Huuhka, Marleena 2018 Vagabond Mimesis – Nomadic Wanderings through Minecraftian Performance Space in SYMBOLON,  theatre studies journal of the University of Arts in Tîrgu-Mureș, Romania.

Huuhka, Marleena 2017 Ei-inhimillinen tekijyys ja esiintyjyys videopeleissä in NÄYTTÄMÖ JA TUTKIMUS 6 eds. Arlander, Annette; Gröndahl, Laura; Kinnunen, Helka-Maria & Silde, Marja. Peer reviewed. (Non-human Agency and Performership in Video Games.) 

Paavolainen, Teemu 2017. “Fabric Philosophy: The ‘Texture’ of Theatricality and Performativity.”Performance Philosophy 2 (2): 172–88. ISSN 2057-7176.

Roihankorpi Riku, Delbridge Matthew. (2017). Hamlet’s Norwegian Doll’s House: Reframing Embodied Knowledge with Virtual Architectonics of Performance. Arti dello Spettacolo / Performing Arts 3 (3), 49-58.

Andrianov, Katriina (2016). ”Mode, Location and Aspect in Stage Animation.” Astles, Cariad & Hlediková, Ida (eds.), Tracing Past and Present, 101107. Bratislava: UNIMA – Union Internationale de la Marionnette. 

Paavolainen, Teemu 2016. “Textures of Thought: Theatricality, Performativity, and the Extended/Enactive Debate.” Teoksessa The Cognitive Humanities: Embodied Mind in Literature and Culture, toim. Peter Garratt, 71–92. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Paavolainen, Teemu 2016. “Textures of Theatricality: Three Approaches from Canonical Theatre Directors.” Tekijä – teos, esitys ja yhteiskunta. Näyttämö & tutkimus 6, toim. Annette Arlander, Laura Gröndahl ja Marja Silde, 60–85. Helsinki: Teatterintutkimuksen Seura.

Andrianov, Katriina (2015). Esine roolissa. Elollistuminen pyhän kokemuksena Kristian Smedsin ja Houkka Bros. -ryhmän teatterissa. Tampereen Yliopistopaino: Acta Universitatis Tamperensis, Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis. Noudettu osoitteesta 

Huuhka, Marleena 2015 Labyrintti – Näkökulmia peleihin ja esityksiin in ESITYSTUTKIMUS eds. Arlander, Annette; Erkkilä, Helena;Riikonen, Taina & Saarikoski, Helena. Partuuna. With Marjukka Lampo. (Labyrinth – Perspectives on Games and Performances)

Paavolainen, Teemu 2015. “Meaning in the Weaving: Mapping and Texture as Figures of Spatiality and Eventness.”Mapping Theatre: Nordic Theatre Studies 27 (2): 10–21.

Paavolainen, Teemu 2015. “Smart Homes and Living Machines: Views From Performative Architecture.” CARPA4 Proceedings: Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts, The Non-human and the Inhuman in Performing Arts, toim. Annette Arlander. Helsinki: Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu.

Roihankorpi Riku. (2015). Performing (the Subject of) Exteriority : Virtuality, Mīmēsis, and the Gratuitous ‘One Must’. Teoksessa Causey Matthew, Meehan Emma, O’Dwyer Néill (toim.) The Performing Subject in the Space of Technology : Through the Virtual, Towards the Real. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Andrianov, Katriina (2013). “Bedár ako profesor: javisková animácia a divadlo stavov.” (Poor Boy as Professor: Stage Animation and the Theatre of States.) Hledíková Ida, Hrehorcák Pavol, Kurilko Radovan & Sogel, Ivan (eds.), Bábkové premeny I. Zborník studií z medzinárodnej konferencie, 59–63. Kosice: Bábkové divadlo v Kosiciach. 

Andrianov, Katriina (2012). ”Lapsia, lintuja, kukkasia – vähäisempi musikaali. Havainnon, kokemuksen ja teorian vuoropuhelu.” Ikonen Liisa, Järvinen Hanna & Loukola Maiju (eds.), Näyttämö ja tutkimus 4: Näyttämöltä tutkimukseksi – esittävien taiteiden metodologiset haasteet, 191–210. Helsinki: Teatterin tutkimuksen seura. Noudettu osoitteesta  

Roihankorpi R. (2010). From A Darkness to A Blind Spot: Encounters between Theatre, Modern Continental Ethics of Responsibility and the Concept of Evil. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.

Paavolainen, Teemu 2012 Theatre/Ecology/Cognition: Theorizing Performer-Object Interaction in Grotowski, Kantor, and Meyerhold. Cognitive Studies in Literature and Performance. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.