Telepresence in Theatre project has made the shortlist for the Guardian University Awards’ Internationalisation category

Telepresence, photo Antti Yrjönen

Coventry University’s & Tampere University´s Telepresence in Theatre project has made the shortlist for the Guardian University Awards’ Internationalisation category.

An innovative theatre project from Coventry University that allows students in two different countries to appear as if they are sharing the same rehearsal room has been nominated for a high-profile award.

Coventry University’s Telepresence in Theatre project has made the shortlist for the Guardian University Awards’ Internationalisation category.

It was named a finalist by an expert panel of judges from across the UK’s higher education sector.

As part of the project, BA Theatre and Professional Practice staff at Coventry collaborated with Tampere University in Finland to create a unique ‘immersive space’ in order to explore theatre rehearsal and arts education. This space, created in both cities, uses cutting-edge technology, life sized projection, high-speed internet connections and directional sound, giving the participants the illusion of occupying the same rehearsal room.

Highlights of the project have been:

  • A unique ‘telepresence banquet’ and performance in support of Coventry’s successful bid to be the UK’s City of Culture for 2021, enabling groups of academics, business leaders and cultural officers to dine together in both cities whilst enjoying a performance of King Lear.
  • A Hong Kong showcase as part of the GREAT Festival of innovation, organized by the UK Department of Trade.
  • A groundbreaking performance at the New World Symphony Centre, Miami, using a blend of live actors working in the USA in real time with motion-captured actors and musicians in Tampere, Finland.

Coventry has also collaborated with The University of the Arts, Helsinki, Gothenburg Theatre Academy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan and Purdue University in the United States.