Tenure track position (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor) specialization in Theatre Arts

We are now seeking an Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor in the field of Theatre Arts, with a focus on multidisciplinary artistic research. The position is placed in the Degree Programme in Theatre Arts (Näty), which is administered by the Communication Sciences Unit in the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University, and which works in close collaboration with researchers and postgraduate students affiliated to the unit, and the T7 Centre for Practice as Research in Theatre.

The Degree Programme in Theatre Arts provides interdisciplinary, Finnish-language actor education at the bachelor’s and master’s levels. Artistic, professional and societal perspectives meet in the teaching, which is based on and led by artistic research. The pedagogy aims to recognise the demands that will be placed on artists and arts in the future and builds a foundation for the students’ continuous self-development. Performances of various kinds are created as part of teaching.

The artistic research carried out in the programme focuses on acting and performance, and their continuously changing environments. It encompasses topics such as digital acting and Telepresence, actor dramaturgy, the actor’s voice, acting in a foreign language, group dynamics and artistic processes, as well as questions concerning corporality and differently abled bodies.

The closing date for applications is 2nd of March 2023 (at 23.59 EET / UTC +2).

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