Tampere University, in collaboration with the University of Eastern Finland and the University of Helsinki, are organizing a virtual event about the Nordic Tweet Stream (NTS), one of the digital resources developed under the DARIAH-FI research infrastructure. March 14 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 pm
The NTS is a multilingual monitor corpus of geolocated tweets and associated metadata from the Nordic region. Altogether, it contains nearly 74 million messages from hundreds of thousands of user accounts from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The NTS data cover the period between January 2013 and May 2023 and were collected using the Twitter Academic API, which is now closed.
The purpose of the NTS is to facilitate fundamental research in SSH. The NTS comes with an easy-to-use graphic interface that supports quick data access so that researchers can focus on data analysis. The dataset enables various types of research. For instance, it is possible to study public discourses and sentiment concerning events in recent history (e.g., the COVID-19 pandemic, the NATO membership process, etc.). The dataset is also a resource for sociolinguistic research and for scholars of multilingualism. All the data are stored at CSC, and depending on their hardware updates, nearly all the data should be available for testing by the day of the event.
In this online workshop, participants will (1) get to know about the NTS and its graphic interface and discover what you can do with it; (2) learn how to apply the NTS to develop one’s research and hear what additional features will be added to the interface in the future; and (3) overall become familiar with the DARIAH-FI research infrastructure.
Basic digital skills. No earlier experience with the NTS is needed.
Preliminary programme:
10:00-10:15 Welcome and introduction to the online workshop by Anna Sendra Toset, Tampere University, and Mikko Laitinen, University of Eastern Finland
10:15-10:45 Presentation and hands-on assigment with the Nordic Tweet Stream by Masoud Fatemi and Mehrdad Salimi, University of Eastern Finland
10:45-11:00 Feedback and general discussion
The event is open to all, although it is particularly aimed for doctoral researchers that work or are interested in working with social media data.