We are happy to announce the call for a new professor in cultural game studies in Tampere University; this position can be filled in tenure-track Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Full Professor levels. As described in the call text, the applicant is expected to demonstrate a competence in Game Studies both in research and teaching relative to the career level.
Their publications are expected to include research in game studies with a particular focus on topical and expanding research themes of this field, such as cultural player studies, ludic literacy and the questions of power, gender and inclusion in game cultures, complementing the wide-ranging research themes of the Unit of Communication Sciences. You can read more details about this opportunity from below, and from the official call text online – note, that the closing date for applications is August 9, 2024.
More information https://tuni.rekrytointi.com/paikat/?o=A_RJ&jgid=1&jid=2340