
Jarmo Viteli
- Research Director
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358500731237
The Boundaries of Performing

Esa Kirkkopelto
- Professor
- teatteritaide
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358400792594
Journalism Studies Group

Laura Ahva
- Academy Research Fellow
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358505099219
Please contact me for an appointment.
About me
I am a journalism researcher and educator. I have a doctorate (Doctor of Social Sciences) in Journalism and Mass Communication from Tampere University. I am Docent at the University of Helsinki. Here is a short profile video about me.
I am an Associate Professor (tenure track) of journalism studies at the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences.
My current project is a five-year (2020-2025) Academy of Finland Research Fellow project called "The Future of Dispersed Journalism: The Power of Start-ups, Metrics Analysis and Event Production" . This project investigates how start-up culture, metrics analysis and event production have become part of journalism in Finland. I also lead a project called "Individual paths of journalists" and it aims to follow the lives and careers of about 40 young journalists for ten years. Another project deals with datafication of journalism and how it shapes the relationship between journalists and audiences. Both projects are funded by Helsingin Sanomat Foundation.
I also act as the associate director of Taru – Research Centre for Communication Sciences.
I also supervise PhD researchers and MA students.
Field of expertise
The themes I have been interested in throughout my research career are: (1) the democratic and constructive role of journalism in society, (2), the relationship between journalists and the audience, (3) journalistic work practices, and how to improve them, (4) participation in the media: why and how people use the media so that they sometimes want to take part in producing it, and (5) the changing nature of journalism and its future, and how to theorize it.
Research topics
Journalism, journalistic work, practice theory, participation, journalism movements (public journalism, conciliatory journalism), audiences, news use, the public sphere.
Research unit
Taru – Research Centre for Communication Sciences
Research fields
Communication sciences, media studies, journalism studies.
Research career
In 2018-2020 I was a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Advaced Social Research at Tampere University, and before that at Research Centre COMET. There I acted as th e principal investigator in the research project titled "Conciliatory Journalism" (2016-2017). This action research project developed ways how journalism can act as a mediator between conflicting parties in various disputes.
My postdoc research project (2013-2016) analysed how and why the notion of ‘participation’ has become consolidated in European journalism practice. The study concentrated on recognised participatory journalism in Finland, Sweden and Paris/Brussels. My article based on the study was awarded in 2018.
I have also acted as the national coordinator (2012-2017) in Finland for the second wave of Worlds of Journalism Study that assesses the state of journalism throughout the world. A book comparing journalists in 67 countries was released in 2019. I have also worked with the comparative research initiative Journalism Students Across the Globe.
Previously I have worked in research projects dealing with audiences ('Amateur images: A comparative study on how user-generated content is shaping journalism' and 'Towards Engaging Journalism'). My PhD dissertation (2010) analysed forms of public journalism in the Finnish press.
I am currently a member of the editorial board of Digital Journalism, and the international editorial borad of Media & Journalismo.
I am also one of the founders of Nordic Forum for Social Responsibility in Journalism, and a board member of Sopiva ry, The Finnish Association for Conciliatory Journalists .
Steen Steensen, Ahva Laura (eds.). (2017). Theories of Journalism in a Digital Age. Abingon, Oxon, UK: Routledge.
Heikkilä, Heikki; Ahva, Laura, Siljamäki, Jaana & Valtonen, Sanna (2012). Kelluva kiinnostavuus: Journalismin merkitys ihmisten sosiaalisissa verkostoissa. Tampere: Vastapaino. [Co-authored book: Slippery engagement: The relevance of journalism in everyday social networks.]
Noppari, Elina; Hiltunen, Ilmari & Ahva, Laura. (2019). User profiles for populist counter-media websites in Finland. Journal of Alternative and Community Media 4 (1), 23-37.
Ahva, Laura & Steen Steensen. (2019). Journalism Theory. In The Handbook of Journalism Studies, Second Edition edited by Wahl-Jorgensen, Karin, & Thomas Hanitzsch. New York: Routledge, 38–54.
Hautakangas, Mikko & Ahva, Laura (2018). Introducing a New Form of Socially Responsible Journalism: Experiences from the Conciliatory Journalism Project. Journalism Practice 12: 6, 730–746.
Ahva, Laura; van Dalen, Arjen; Hovden, Jan Fredrik; Kolbeins, Guðbjörg Hildur; Löfgren Nilsson, Monica, Morten, Skovsgaard; Väliverronen, Jari (2017). A Welfare State of Mind? Nordic journalists' conception of their role and autonomy in international context. Journalism Studies 18: 5, 595–613.
Ahva, Laura (2017). How is Participation Practiced by “In-betweeners” of Journalism? Journalism Practice 11: 2–3, 142–159.
Ahva, Laura (2017). Practice Theory for Journalism Studies. Journalism Studies 18: 12, 1523-1541.
Aika parantaa? Päätoimittajien ymmärrys etnisen monimuotoisuuden vahvistamisesta suomalaisessa journalismiprofessiossa
Nousiainen, R., Ahva, L. & Koljonen, K., 27 maalisk. 2024, julkaisussa: Media & Viestintä. 47, 1, s. 1-22 22 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Journalismia opiskelleiden uraorientaatiot ja liikkuminen median ammattikentällä
Reunanen, E., Ahva, L., Koljonen, K., Järvipetäjä, M. & Raunio, S., 2024, julkaisussa: Media & Viestintä. 47, 4, s. 79-104 26 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Journalismin moniäänisyys osana median monimuotoisuuden ilmiötä
Ylikoski, M. & Ahva, L., 2024, julkaisussa: Media & Viestintä. 47, 4, s. 105-129Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
lltalehden toimituksen ja yleisön pelillistynyt suhde analytiikan aikakaudella
Penttilä, P., Ovaska, L. & Ahva, L., 28 lokak. 2024, julkaisussa: Media & Viestintä. 47, 3, s. 27-50 24 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Siirtymiä median ammattikentällä: Journalismia opiskelleiden valintoja ja ajatuksia opintojen ja työelämän nivelvaiheessa
Järvipetäjä, M., Koljonen, K., Raunio, S., Reunanen, E. & Ahva, L., 2024, Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto. 80 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Tutkimusraportti
The managerial and future-oriented role of audience data in data-informed news organisations
Ahva, L., Salonen, M., Ovaska, L. & Talvitie-Lamberg, K., 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) julkaisussa: JOURNALISM.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
The short history of naming journalism in the digital era
Ahva, L., 2024, Histories of Digital Journalism: The Interplay of Technology, Society and Culture. Tofalvy, T. & Vobič, I. (toim.). Routledge, s. 69-81 13 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Luku › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Audience metrics as disruptive innovation: Analysing emotional work of Finnish journalism professionals
Ahva, L. & Ovaska, L., 2023, julkaisussa: NORDICOM REVIEW. 44, 2, s. 152-171 20 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Lähtöjä median ammattipoluille: Journalismia opiskelevien käsityksiä media- ja viestintäalan ammateista sekä omasta tulevaisuudestaan alalla
Ahva, L., Järvipetäjä, M., Koljonen, K., Raunio, S. & Reunanen, E., 2022, Tampereen yliopisto. 131 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Tutkimusraportti
Socially responsible journalism: Diverse responses to polarisation
Ahva, L., 29 marrask. 2022, The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. Allan, S. (toim.). 2. toim. Routledge, s. 352-361 10 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Luku › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Communication Studies Research Group

Pekka Isotalus
- Professor
- Communication Studies
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358503951173
- +358503605221
Game Research Lab

Frans Mäyrä
- Professor
- informaatiotutkimus ja interaktiivinen media
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358503367650
By appointment. (Email:
- CV:
About me
Frans Mäyrä is the Professor of Information Studies and Interactive Media, with specialization in digital culture and game studies in the Tampere University, Finland. He is the founder and head of Tampere University Game Research Lab. Frans Mäyrä has studied the relationship of culture and technology from the early nineties and he has specialised in the cultural analysis of technology, particularly on the ambiguous, conflicting and heterogeneous elements in this relationship. Professor Mäyrä has published on topics that range from information technologies, science fiction and fantasy to the demonic tradition, the concept of identity and role-playing games. He is currently teaching, researching and heading numerous research projects in the study and development of games, interactive media and digital culture. He has also served as the founding President of Digital Games Research Association, DiGRA. He is recipient of grants and leader in 45 externally funded games research projects, with total external funding of c. 6.4 million euros. He is currently the director of the Academy of Finland funded Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies (CoE-GameCult, 2018-2025). He had led also several other large consortium research projects, like Ludification of Culture and Society (2014-2018). Author of An Introduction to Game Studies (2008), one of the leading textbooks in the field, he has over 160 scientific publications, including the work published e.g. in Journal of Communication, Video Game Policy, The Video Game Debate and The Dark Side of Game Play.
See the personal home pages at:
See the blog site at:
Professor, Director of the Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies.
Field of expertise
Expertise in the study of the cultural and social dimensions of information and communications technologies, games, interactive media.
Research topics
Game cultures, game players, interactive media, digital culture.
Research unit
The Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies, TRIM, ITC Faculty.
See the list of publications at:

Sanna Kumpulainen
- Professor
- informaatiotutkimus
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358504377205
Research fields
I study how people interact with information and information search systems in various contexts. One of my research approaches has been task-based information searching. I lead InfUSE research group.
Episodic focus formulation in media scholars’ data interaction
Korkeamäki, L., Keskustalo, H. & Kumpulainen, S., 16 syysk. 2024, julkaisussa: Information Research. 29, 3, s. 17-36 20 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Images as data – modelling data interactions in social science and humanities research
Late, E., Matres, I., Sendra Toset, A. & Kumpulainen, S., 31 lokak. 2024, julkaisussa: JOURNAL OF DOCUMENTATION. 80, 7, s. 325-345Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Image searching in an open photograph archive: search tactics and faced barriers in historical research
Late, E., Ruotsalainen, H. & Kumpulainen, S., 24 tammik. 2024, julkaisussa: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON DIGITAL LIBRARIES.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
The concept of information need and its operationalization in CHIIR research
Byström, K., Kumpulainen, S., Pharo, N. & Ruthven, I., 10 maalisk. 2024, CHIIR 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. ACM, s. 431-432 2 Sivumäärä (CHIIR 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval).Tutkimustuotos: Konferenssiartikkeli › Tieteellinen
To share or not to share? Image data sharing in the social sciences and humanities
Late, E., Skov, M. & Kumpulainen, S., 18 kesäk. 2024, julkaisussa: Information Research. 29, 2, s. 386-400 15 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Types of domain and task-solving information in media scholars' data interaction
Korkeamäki, L., Keskustalo, H. & Kumpulainen, S., 2024, julkaisussa: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 75, 4, s. 454-468Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Understanding Researchers’ Perspectives on Work Tasks in Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences
Sendra Toset, A., Late, E. & Kumpulainen, S., 2024, Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Publications. Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo, 15 Sivumäärä (DHNB2024 Conference Proceedings ; Vuosikerta 6, nro 1).Tutkimustuotos: Konferenssiartikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Viimeiset omat valinnat
Kumpulainen, S., 2024, julkaisussa: Informaatiotutkimus. 43, 1-2, s. 1–3Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen
From Textual to Visual Image Searching: User Experience of Advanced Image Search Tool
Late, E., Ruotsalainen, H., Seker, M., Raitoharju, J., Männistö, A. & Kumpulainen, S., syysk. 2023, Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries. TPDL 2023. Alonso, O., Cousijn, H., Silvello, G., Marrero, M., Lopes, C. T. & Marchesin, S. (toim.). Springer, s. 277-283 7 Sivumäärä (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vuosikerta 1421).Tutkimustuotos: Konferenssiartikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
In a Perfect World: Exploring the Desires and Realities for Digitized Historical Image Archives
Late, E., Ruotsalainen, H. & Kumpulainen, S., 22 lokak. 2023, Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Ruthven, I. & O'Brien, H. (toim.). Wiley, s. 244-254 (Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology; Vuosikerta 60).Tutkimustuotos: Konferenssiartikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Media studies research group

Kaarina Nikunen
- Professor
- Communication and Media Research
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358401904094
About me
My research explores the ways in which media construct understanding of the world and possibilities of participation: social justice and solidarity are important concepts in my work. I am particularly interested in the ways in which emotions and affect drive solidarity, social movements and participation – and the way emotions are crafted through and with media. This work comes together in my recent book Media Solidarities: Emotions, Power and Justice in the Digital Age (Sage, 2019). My current research focuses on data and inequalities in IDA project (Intimacy in Data Driven Culture). IDA explores explores the ways in which digitalization and datafication affect and shape private, social, occupational, and collective lives and everyday experiences. My other research project HAFFECT (Everyday affective practices online) explores affective production and circuIation of hate speech online.
Imaginations and visions of good data among media professionals and citizens were explored in Fair Data -project, as a part of BIBU (Tackling Biases and Bubbles in Participation) research funded by the Strategic Research Council of the Academy of Finland. Other past projects focused on issues of racism, emotions and migration in digital media: HYBRA: racism and public communication in the hybrid media system (2016-2019) explored rise of anti-immigrant and racist discourse on social media with politics of irony. Information and emotions in the refugee debate (2016-2018) examined emotional structures and dynamics of the so called refugee crisis in 2015 with computational, qualitative and ethnographic methods. In Structures of Compassion -project I conducted ethnographic research on European refugee politics, geographic imagination and politics of place in the Mediterranean coast, in Southern Italy as well as on affective economy of humanitarian reality shows and journalism of hospitality.
IDA: Intimacy in Data Driven Culture
Journalists' experiences of harassment
HYBRA: Racisms and public communications in hybrid media environment (2016-2019)
Authored and edited books
Nikunen, K (2019) Media Solidarities: Emotions, power and justice in the digital age. London: Sage.
Maasilta, M. & Nikunen, K. (2018) (eds.) Pakolaisuus, tunteet ja media. Tampere: Vastapaino.
Nikunen, K. and Eide, E. (2011) (eds) Media in Motion: Cultural complexity and migration in the Nordic Region. London: Routledge.
Paasonen S., Nikunen, K., Saarenmaa, L. (2007) (eds) Pornification: Sex and Sexuality in Media Culture. Oxford: Berg.
Nikunen, K. (2005) Faniuden aika. Kolme tapausta tv-ohjelmien faniudesta vuosituhannen taitteen Suomessa. Tampere: TUP.
Research articles
Nikunen, K. (2023) Repairing algorithms, rebuilding data paths: material solidarity, the digital infrastructure, and the public. In Parks, Velkova & De Ridder (eds) Media Backends: The Politics of Infrastructure, Clouds, and Artificial Intelligence. University of Illinois Press.
Nikunen, K. & Valtonen, S. (2023) Undocumented and datafied. In K. Leurs & S. Ponzanesi (eds.) Doing Digital Migrant Studies. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Nikunen K. (2023) Echo of Experience: a feminist response to racialization of sexual crime in the hybrid media event. International Journal of Communication 17(2023):1348-1364.
Nikunen, K. & Valtonen, S. (2022) Precariousness and hope: Digital everyday life of the undocumented migrants explored through collaborative photography. Media and Communication 10(2)
Laaksonen, S., Hokka, J. & Nikunen, K. (2022) Affective visual rhetoric of the far-right across social media. In Petterson K. & Nortio, E. (eds.)The far-right discourse of multiculturalism in everyday talk: Reproduction and contestation in intergroup interactions. Palgrave McMillan.
Andreassen, R., Kaun, A. & Nikunen, K. (2021) Fostering the data welfare state: A Nordic perspective on datafication. Nordicom Review 42(2):207-223.
Nikunen, K. (2021) Ghosts of White Methods? Challenges of Big Data Research in Exploring Racism in Digital Context. Big Data & Society Sept 8 2021.
Nikunen, K. & Hokka, J. (2020) Welfare state values and public service media in the era of datafication. Special Issue on Datafication and the Welfare State, edited by Lina Dencik and Anne Kaun. Global Perspectives 1(2).
Nikunen, K., Hokka, J. and Nelimarkka, M. (2021) Affective practice of Soldiering: How sharing images is used to spread extremist and racist ethos on Soldiers of Odin Facebook site. Television and New Media 22(1).
Nikunen, K. (2019) Once a Refugee: Selfie activism, visualized citizenship and the space of appearance. Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture 17(2): 154-170.
Nikunen, K. (2019) Emotions, Affect and the Media. In Curran J. and Hesmondhalgh, D. (eds) Media & Society. London: Bloomsbury.
Nikunen, K. (2019) Breaking the Silence: From representations of victims and threat towards spaces of voice. In Georgiou, M. Leurs, K., Smets, K. & Witteborn, S. (eds) Sage Handbook of Migration and Media. London: Sage.
Nikunen, K. (2018) From Irony to Solidarity: Affective practice in social media activism. Studies of Transition States and Societies 10(2): 10-21.
Nikunen, K (2016) Doing Good Reality, Masculine Care and Affective Capitalism. Ephemera: theory & politics in organization 16(4):163-184.
Nikunen, K. (2016) Media, Passion and Humanitarian Reality Television European Journal of Cultural Studies, 19 (3):265-282.
Nikunen, K. (2015) Politics of Irony as Emerging Sensibility of Anti-Immigrant Debate. In Rikke Andreassen and Katherine Vitus (eds.) Affectivity and Race: Studies from Nordic Contexts. London: Routledge.
Nikunen, K. (2014) Hopes of Hospitality: Media, refugee crisis and the politics of a place. International Journal of Cultural Studies 19(2): 161-176.
Nikunen, K. (2014) Losing My Profession: Age, experience and expertise in the changing newsrooms. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism 15(7): 868–888.
Laiho, M. and Nikunen K. (2012) Uhreista parhaat? Lapset Irakin sodan ja Gazan konfliktin uutiskuvissa. Media ja Viestintä 35(4-5):118-136.
Nikunen, K. (2010) Rakastamisen vaikeudesta: Internet, maahanmuutto-keskustelu ja tunteet. Media ja Viestintä 33(4):7–26.
RIME – Research Group on Information and Media Practices

Tuomas Harviainen
- Professor
- Informaatiotutkimus ja interaktiivinen media (tietokäytännöt)
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358504377127
About me
I hold Master's degrees in both theology and business administration, and a doctorate in information studies and interactive media. I have the title of Docent in contemporary culture science, specializing in games and social information networks, from the University of Jyväskylä, and am NACS authorized as a Specialist in Scientific Sexology.
I am currently supervising doctoral students for the DPII and DPHAT doctoral programmes, but not taking any new ones at the moment.
Field of expertise
My key areas of expertise relate to various forms of information sharing in both creative industries and among marginalized communities, as well as ethnographic research in general, information literacies, instrumental gaming and gamification, and service design done in and with libraries.
Research topics
Information sharing in coopetitive business contexts, online drug trading cultures, games as information systems, sexuality-related information practices.
Principal investigator, ENNCODE (AoF 2020-2022)
Dark Web and Blockchain Security in Focus: Introduction to the Cybercrime Minitrack
Siuda, P., Harviainen, T., Hamari, J. & Gehl, R. W., 2025, Proceedings of the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. HICSS, s. 3928-3929Tutkimustuotos: Konferenssiartikkeli › Tieteellinen
Technology Ethics 2024: Proceedings of the Conference on Technology Ethics 2024 (Tethics 2024), Tampere, Finland, November 6-7, 2024
Olsson, T. (Toimittaja), Sahlgren, O. (Toimittaja), Parviainen, J. (Toimittaja), Westerstrand, S. (Toimittaja), Harviainen, J. T. (Toimittaja), Laitinen, A. (Toimittaja) & Rantala, J. (Toimittaja), 2025, CEUR-WS. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vuosikerta 3901)Tutkimustuotos: Kokoomateos › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
The presentation of self in everyday virtual murder: Commodified monstrosity in Diablo III
Harviainen, J. T., Granvik, J. & Korkeila, H., 14 tammik. 2025, Monstrosity in games and play: A Multidisciplinary Examination of the Monstrous in Contemporary Cultures. Stang, S., Meriläinen, M., Blom, J. & Hassan, L. (toim.). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, s. 223-240 (Games and Play).Tutkimustuotos: Luku › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
After the attack: Introduction to the cybercrime minitrack
Siuda, P., Harviainen, T., Hamari, J. & Gehl, R. W., 2024, Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, s. 4204-4205 (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences).Tutkimustuotos: Konferenssiartikkeli › Tieteellinen
Characteristics of the Dark Web's Online Drug Culture
Haasio, A., Siuda, P. & Harviainen, T., 16 syysk. 2024, The Routledge International Handbook of Online Deviance. Graham, R. S., Humer, S. G., Lee, C. S. & Nagy, V. (toim.). Routledge, s. 586-597 (Routledge International Handbooks).Tutkimustuotos: Luku › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Editorial: Gamification for Sustainable Development
Spanellis, A., Harviainen, J. T., Fernández Galeote, D. & Thibault, M., 31 toukok. 2024, julkaisussa: Simulation and Gaming. 55, 3, s. 361-365Tutkimustuotos: Pääkirjoitus › Tieteellinen
Game Design Concepts: A Tertiary Literature Review
Klapztein, S., Guimarães Santos, A., Oliveira dos Santos, W., Harviainen, T., Ribeiro de Oliveira, A. & Hamari, J., 2024, CHI PLAY Companion '24: Companion Proceedings of the 2024 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. Buruk, O. '., Freeman, G. & Hamari, J. (toim.). ACM, s. 139-144 6 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Konferenssiartikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Kirjastot johtamisen ympäristöinä
Harviainen, T., 2024, Näkökulmia kirjastolaitoksen johtamiseen . Harviainen, T. (toim.). Länsi- ja Sisä-Suomen aluehallintovirasto, s. 7-14 (Aluehallintovirastojen julkaisuja; nro 237/2024).Tutkimustuotos: Luku › Ammatillinen
Live-action role-playing games
Harviainen, T., Bienia, R., Bowman, S. L., Brind, S., Hitchens, M., Kot, Y. I., MacCallum-Stewart, E., Simkins, D. W., Stenros, J., Sturrock, I. & Shuo, X., 2024, The Routledge Handbook of Role-Playing Game Studies. Zagal, J. P. & Deterding, S. (toim.). Routledge, s. 91-114 (Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Handbooks).Tutkimustuotos: Luku › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Näkökulmia kirjastolaitoksen johtamiseen
Harviainen, T. (Toimittaja), 2024, Vaasa: Länsi- ja Sisä-Suomen aluehallintovirasto. 82 Sivumäärä (Aluehallintovirastojen julkaisuja; nro 237/2024)Tutkimustuotos: Kokoomateos › Ammatillinen
Sound and Media Research Group
Tarja Rautiainen-Keskustalo
- Professor
- musiikintutkimus
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358401909809
TaRC - Tampere Research Coalition of Russian and Chinese Media

Katja Lehtisaari
- University Lecturer
- journalistiikka
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358504098845
Research topics
Research topics include media business and media policy studies, changing media structures and journalism, with international and comparative orientation. Research on media in e.g. Finland and Russia.
A Servant of the Authorities or an Ally of Civil Society? The Role Perceptions and Role Performance of Local Interloper Media
Ruotsalainen, J., Vaarala, V., Hujanen, J., Grönlund, M. & Lehtisaari, K., toukok. 2024, julkaisussa: Journalism Studies. 25, 8, s. 876-897Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Building and Experiencing Media Trust in the Nordics: Views of Professionals and Audiences
Horowitz, M., Lehtisaari, K. & Grönlund, M., 2024, TEXTE 28: Public Service Media in Europe (en) The Future of Public Service Media in the European Union. ORF, s. 46-56Tutkimustuotos: Luku › Ammatillinen
Conclusion: Ubiquitous Need for Epistemic Rights and the Way Forward
Watson, L., Aslama Horowitz, M., Nieminen, H., Lehtisaari, K. & D'Arma, A., 2024, Epistemic Rights in the Era of Digital Disruption. Aslama Horowitz, M., Nieminen, H., Lehtisaari, K. & D'Arma, A. (toim.). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, s. 205-219 15 Sivumäärä ( Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research - A Palgrave and IAMCR Series).Tutkimustuotos: Luku › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Digitalisaation ja alustojen vaikutus uutismedian talouteen ja toimintaan
Pöyhtäri, R. & Lehtisaari, K., 27 marrask. 2024, Media alustojen ajassa. Sirkkunen, E. & Neuvonen, R. (toim.). Gaudeamus, s. 134-154Tutkimustuotos: Luku › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Epistemic Rights in the Era of Digital Disruption
Aslama Horowitz, M. (Toimittaja), Nieminen, H. (Toimittaja), Lehtisaari, K. (Toimittaja) & D'Arma, A. (Toimittaja), 2024, London: Palgrave Macmillan. 226 Sivumäärä (Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research - A Palgrave and IAMCR Series)Tutkimustuotos: Kokoomateos › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Intervening by staying professional: How Nordic environmental journalists make sense of their roles
Hujanen, J., Jangdal, L., Dovbysh, O., Andersen, I. V., Kolbeins, G. H., Lehtisaari, K. & Oivo, T., 2024, julkaisussa: NORDICOM REVIEW. 45, 2, s. 257-276 20 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Introduction: The Epistemic Turn
D'Arma, A., Aslama Horowitz, M., Lehtisaari, K. & Nieminen, H., 2024, Epistemic Rights in the Era of Digital Disruption. Aslama Horowitz, M., Nieminen, H., Lehtisaari, K. & D'Arma, A. (toim.). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, s. 3-9 7 Sivumäärä (Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research - A Palgrave and IAMCR Series).Tutkimustuotos: Luku › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Luottamusta rakentamassa, luottamusta kokemassa. Mediapäättäjien ja journalismin yleisöjen näkemyksiä
Grönlund, M., Horowitz, M. & Lehtisaari, K., 22 tammik. 2024, Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskus. 42 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Tutkimusraportti
Media alustojen ajassa
Sirkkunen, E., Neuvonen, R., Aalto, T., Alen-Savikko, A., Flensburg, S., Grönvall, J., Horowitz, M., Karppinen, K., Lai, S. S., Lehtisaari, K., Nieminen, H. & Pöyhtäri, R., 27 marrask. 2024, Gaudeamus. 379 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Kirja › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Median keskittyminen ja mediasisältöjen moninaisuus Suomessa
Lehtisaari, K., Grönlund, M., Hellman, H., Ranti, T. & Suikkanen, R., 2024, Valtioneuvoston kanslia. 240 Sivumäärä (Valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminnan julkaisusarja; Vuosikerta 2024, nro 6)Tutkimustuotos: Tutkimusraportti
Visual Studies Lab
Asko Lehmuskallio
- Professor
- Visual Studies
- Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
- Tampere University
- +358503187013
About me
Asko Lehmuskallio serves as Professor of Visual Studies and is director of the Visual Studies Lab.
Lehmuskallio focuses particularly on the intersection between visual studies and media studies, with a special interest in media anthropology and digital cultures. He is particularly interested in the interrelations between images, bodies and visual technologies, specifically between seeing and knowing.
Lehmuskallio leads the research projects Visions of the City (w. PL Markus Laine (Tampere), Academy of Finland), Image/Knowledge (C.V. Åkerlund Media Foundation) and Trust and Visuality (with PL Katrin Tiidenberg (Tallinn) and PI's Maria Schreiber (Salzburg) and Gillian Rose (Oxford), EU Chanse). Across all these projects Lehmuskallio's focus is on the interrelations between images and knowledge.
Lehmuskallio studied cultural anthropology at Philipps-Universität Marburg, and image science (Bildwissenschaft) at the Dept. of Art History and Media Theory, Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe. He received his PhD (YTT) at the School of Communication, Media and Theatre in Tampere, and was awarded in 2016 the Title of Docent in Visual Studies. In addition, he has worked at the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, and as postdoctoral researcher at the University of Siegen. After his PhD, Lehmuskallio has held several visiting fellowships abroad, including as Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley, US, and at the Sussex Humanities Lab, UK, as Rudolf Arnheim Guest Professor at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany and as Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science in the UK.
Among his publications are the co-edited works Digital Photography and Everyday Life (2016), Mobile Digital Practices (2017), Travelling by Photograph: Representing and reframing migration (2022) and the Finnish-language Entanglements between Bodies and Documents: A History of the Finnish Passport (2020), co-authored with Paula Haara. In addition, he has published in a wide range of journals and edited books, including in Visual Communication, International Journal of Communication, IEEE Pervasive Computing and Journal of Aesthetics and Culture.
Lehmuskallio has also co-curated two well-received exhibitions at the Finnish Museum of Photography, #snapshot (2014-15) and Documenting the body: A history of the Finnish Passport (2020).
ORCID ID 0000-0002-8271-9830, Twitter handle @verlook.
Books and special issues
2025 forthc. Visual Studies. A Social Scientific Approach. Paolo Favero and Asko Lehmuskallio, New York/London: Routledge, 208 pages.
2022 Travelling by Photograph: Representing and reframing migration, special issue of Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies, 13 (2), guest editors Carolina Cambre and Asko Lehmuskallio.
2020 Ruumiin ja dokumenttien kytkökset: Suomen passin historiaa, Paula Haara & Asko Lehmuskallio, Helsinki: Finnish Museum of Photography. 167 pages. ISBN 978-951-9086-97-2. (Entanglements between bodies and documents: A history of the Finnish passport).
2017 Mobile Digital Practices, special issue of Digital Culture & Society, 3 (2), guest editors Anna Lisa Ramella, Asko Lehmuskallio, Tristan Thielmann and Pablo Abend.
2016 Digital Photography and Everyday Life. Empirical Studies on material visual practices. Edgar Gómez Cruz and Asko Lehmuskallio (eds), London/New York: Routledge. 295 pages. ISBN: 978-1-138-89981-0.
2014 #Snapshot. Cameras Amongst Us / #snapshot. Kamerat keskuudessamme. Asko Lehmuskallio and Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger (eds). Helsinki: Finnish Museum of Photography. 124 pages. ISBN: 9789519086934.
2012 Pictorial Practices in a ‘Cam Era’, Asko Lehmuskallio, Tampere: Tampere University Press. 362 pages. ISBN 978-951-44-8846-7
1999 C. G. Mannerheim in Central Asia 1906–1908. Petteri Koskikallio and Asko Lehmuskallio (eds). Helsinki: National Board of Antiquities.
1999 C. G. Mannerheimin Keski-Aasian matka 1906–1908. Petteri Koskikallio and Asko Lehmuskallio (eds). Helsinki: Museovirasto.
Journal articles and book chapters
2024 Kuvallinen viestintä osana sosiaalista vuorovaikutusta. Asko Lehmuskallio and Jenni Niemelä-Nyrhinen, Duodecim, 140(24), p. 2068-73.
2023 The passport as a medium of movement, Asko Lehmuskallio & Paula Haara. In: Eisenmann, Clemens; Englert, Kathrin; Schubert, Cornelius; Voss, Ehler (Eds): Varieties of Cooperation. Mutually Making the Conditions of Mutual Making. Wiesbaden: Springer, p. 137-165.
2022 Representing and reframing migration, Cambre, C and Lehmuskallio, A. Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies, 13 (2), p. 5-22.
2022 Experimental indices: Situational assemblages of facial recognition, Lehmuskallio, A and Meyer, R. The Journal of Media Art Study and Theory, Special Issue on Automating Visuality: the Image Beyond Representation.
2021 Keeping Distance. Notes on Video-Mediated Communication During the Covid-19 Pandemic. 21: Inquiries into Art, History and the Visual, 3(2021),
2021 Dreams of Ubiquitous Camera Use: Attachment Suggestions in Early Kodak Advertisements, Lehmuskallio A. In: Kruse, Christiane and Mersmann, Birgit. Bildagenten. München: Fink, p. 257-276.
2020 The Camera as a Meeting Place for Decision Making, Lehmuskallio, A. In: Hall, Amy (ed). The Camera as Actor. London/New York: Routledge, p. 17-28.
2019 Material Mediations Complicate Communication Privacy Management: The Case of Wilma in Finnish High Schools, Lehmuskallio A and Lampinen A. International Journal of Communication 13(2019), 5752–5770. (republished 2020 in the Collaborative Research Center 1187 Media of Cooperation Working Paper Series, 16(2020), 1–15, urn:nbn:de:hbz:467-16248).
2019 Photo use while dating: From forecasted photos in Tinder to creating co-presence using other media, Jänkälä A, Lehmuskallio, A and Takala T. Human Technology, 15 (2), 202-225,
2019 The look as a medium: a conceptual framework and an exercise for teaching visual studies, Lehmuskallio, A. Journal of Visual Literacy, 38 (1-2), 8-21,
2018 Photorealistic computer-generated images are difficult to distinguish from digital photographs: A case study with professional photographers and photo-editors, Lehmuskallio A, Häkkinen J and Seppänen J. Visual Communication, Online First, March 4 2018,
2017 Mobile Digital Practices. Situating People, Things, and Data, Ramella, AL, Lehmuskallio, A, Thielmann, T and Abend, P. Digital Culture & Society, 3(2): 5–18,
2017 Notes on the thin line between the smile and the grimace, Lehmuskallio A. Membrana, 2, 64–67.
2017 Kuva-aktivismin visuaalista antropologiaa, Lehmuskallio A. In: Kupiainen, Jari & Häkkinen, Liisa (eds). Kuvatut kulttuurit. Johdatus visuaaliseen antropologiaan. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura. (“A visual anthropology of image activism”, In: Depicted Cultures. An Introduction to Visual Anthropology)
2016 The camera as a sensor among many: The visualization of everyday digital photography as simulative, heuristic and layered pictures, Lehmuskallio A. In: Gómez Cruz, Edgar and Lehmuskallio, Asko (eds). Digital Photography and Everyday Life. Empirical Studies on material visual practices. New York/London: Routledge, p. 243–266.
2016 Why Material Visual Practices?, Lehmuskallio A and Gómez Cruz E In: Ibid. (eds). Digital Photography and Everyday Life. Empirical Studies on material visual practices. New York/London: Routledge, p. 1–16.
2016 Miten katsoa silmät kiinni?, Seppänen J, Häkkinen J and Lehmuskallio A. 2016. In: Ylikangas, Mikko (ed.). Mielen salat. Helsinki: Helsinki Gaudeamus University Press & Academy of Finland, p. 172–185. (“How to look with one’s eyes closed”, In: Secrets of the mind).
2015 Seeing with special requirements: visual frictions during the everyday, Lehmuskallio, A. Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, 7 (1),
2014 The Clash Between Privacy and Automation in Social Media, Vihavainen S, Lampinen A, Oulasvirta A, Silfverberg S and Lehmuskallio A. IEEE Pervasive Computing, January-March 2014, p. 56-63,
2014 Cameras amongst Us: Why Do People Take Photos? Lehmuskallio A. In: Lehmuskallio, Asko and Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger (eds.). 2014. #snapshot. Cameras Amongst Us. Helsinki: The Finnish Museum of Photography, p. 7–10.
2014 Photographs That Feel Good! On Digital Photography and Modeling Techniques, Lehmuskallio A. In: Lehmuskallio, Asko and Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger (eds.). 2014. #snapshot. Cameras Amongst Us. Helsinki: The Finnish Museum of Photography, p. 41–44.
2013 Banning Public Nudity: Images of Bodies as Sites of Contested Moral Values, Lehmuskallio, A. JOMEC Journal. Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies 4(2013): 1-20.
2013 Näkökulmia valokuviin taiteilijoilta, kuraattoreilta ja tutkijoilta, Kulttuurintutkimus 29(2012): 4.
2011 Immersive settings as specific agent/patient relationships, Lehmuskallio A. In: Menrath, Kiwi and Schwinghammer, Alexander (eds). What Does a Chameleon Look Like? Topographies of Immersion. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag, p. 305-322.
2011 Yksityisyyden haasteet sosiaalisessa mediassa, Tamminen S, Lehmuskallio A and Johnson M. In: Silmät auki! Sosiaaliseen mediaan. Toimittanut Terhi Aaltonen-Ogbeide. Helsinki: Parliament of Finland, Committee for the Future. Publication 4/2011. 232-250. (Challenges for Privacy on Social Media/ Parliament of Finland, Committee for the Future)
2011 Katson sinua verkottuneen kameran välityksellä, Lehmuskallio, A. Tiede & edistys, 2 (mediateoria), p. 97-108.
2011 We’re in It Together: Interpersonal Management of Disclosure in Social Network Services, Lampinen A, Lehtinen V, Lehmuskallio A and Tamminen S. CHI ’11 Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems, Vancouver, BC, ACM Press, p. 3217-3226.
2010 Information technologies and transitions in the lives of 55-65 year olds: the case of colliding life interests, Salovaara A, Lehmuskallio A, Hedman L, Löppönen P and Näsänen J. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68 (11), 803-821.
2010 PRIMA - Privacy Research through the Perspective of a Multidisciplinary Mash up, Bylund M, Johnson M, Lehmuskallio A, Seipel P and Tamminen S. In: Vem reglerar informationssamhället? Nordisk årsbok i rättsinformatik 2006-2008 (Who regulates the information society? The Nordic Yearbook of Law and Informatics 2006-2008). Nordisk årsbok i rättsinformatik (2006). Jure, Stockholm p. 139-160.
2009 Traveling through ‘Damascus’. How do Images tell Us what to do?, Lehmuskallio A. In: Mersmann, Birgit and Schneider, Alexandra (eds). Transmission Image: Visual Translation and Cultural Agency. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 200-223.
2009 Social Media und fotografische Praktiken. Eine Analyse der Auswirkung neuer Kommunikationstechnologien auf Schnappschussgewohnheiten, Lehmuskallio A. In: Müller, Daniel; Ligensa, Annemone and Gendolla, Peter (eds). Leitmedien. Konzepte – Relevanz – Geschichte. Bielefeld: Transcript, p. 267-283.
2009 “A photo is not an extension of me, it’s plain surface.” – Views of users of a Web 2.0 photo-sharing site on photos and privacy, Lehmuskallio A. SPIEL: Siegener Periodicum zur Internationalen Empirischen Literaturwissenschaft, Phenomena of Web 2.0 as agents of cultural change, 26 (2007), 2, 271-289.
2009 Mobile media in the social fabric of a kindergarten, Näsänen J, Oulasvirta A, and Lehmuskallio A. CHI ‘09. Proceedings of the 2009 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems. Boston, MA, ACM Press, p. 2167-2176.
2008 Städtische Räume als Bildflächen. Anmerkungen zu visuellen Strategien der Überzeugung und des Widerstandes, Lehmuskallio A. In: Hinterwaldner, Inge; Juwig, Carsten; Klemm, Tanja and Meyer, Roland (eds). Topologien der Bilder. München: Fink, p. 131-146.
2008 Culture jamming: mainonnan kieli ja konfliktin mahdollisuus, Lehmuskallio A. In: Ojajärvi, Jussi and Steinby, Liisa (eds). Minä ja markkinavoimat. Yksilö, kulttuuri ja yhteiskunta uusliberalismin valtakaudella. Helsinki: Avain, p. 259-295.
2008 Culture and Mass-Mediated Pictures: A Processual View, Lehmuskallio A. Kunst und Politik. 10: (Schwerpunkt: Bildwissenschaft und Visual Culture Studies in der Diskussion), p. 73-86.
2008 Snapshot Video. Everyday Photographers Taking Short Video-Clips, Lehmuskallio Asko and Sarvas Risto. NordiCHI ’08: Proceedings of the 5th Nordic conference on Human-computer interaction: using bridges. New York: ACM Press, p. 257-265.
2007 Constructing Perceptual Shifts: Notes on Culture Jamming as a Political Tool, Lehmuskallio A. In: Sumiala-Seppänen, Johanna and Stocchetti, Matteo (eds). Images and Communities. The Visual Construction of the Social. Helsinki: Gaudeamus - Helsinki University Press, p. 199-228.
2007 Whose “FEST”: Symbols of Statehood, Rituals of Resistance?, Czyżewska A, Fichtner S, Kreczmar N, Lehmuskallio A and Sokołowski Ł. In: Patzer, Helena; Thiemann, André; Kosmatopoulos, Nico and Kresti, Georgia (eds). Symbols and Rituals of Statehood and Resistance. Warsaw: Warsaw University Printing House, p. 79-88.
2007 Ermächtigender Exhibitionismus und die bildliche Dokumentation des Arbeitsalltags, Lehmuskallio A. In: Reader zur internationalen Forschungskonferenz FAME I HOCH 4 - Interaktivität / Information / Interface / Immersion. Johann Wolfgang Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main, p. 77-81.
2007 Visuelle Brüche? Anmerkungen zu kulturellem Widerstand mit werbeähnlichen Methoden, Lehmuskallio A. Kunst und Politik. 9: (Schwerpunkt: Politische Kunst heute), p. 139-158.
2007 Zum Aushorchen der Simulationen, Lehmuskallio A. Munitionsfabrik 17, p. 41-43.