Project Aims
The study examines whether and how policy makers and policy experts involved in reform making processes have “learnt” from experiences in other countries and how they have “translated” that knowledge into their own country with the intention of improving their national educational system. Notions of policy learning, borrowing or reception on one hand, and translation, local adaptation, or re-contextualization on the other, represent key concepts for the interpretive framework of the study.
The outcomes will enable both policy researchers and experts to:
- Understand changes in the use of national, regional and international policy knowledge over the period 1988 – 2020 across five Nordic countries.
- Determine shifts in references to systems and knowledge about “best practices” or “international standards”.
- Trace how influential transnational policy shifts associated with key problems such as accountability and equity are interpreted and translated across contexts.
- Contribute to foundational policy research on the nexus between local, national, and global policy.
- Explore the application of network analysis as a methodological and analytical tool for understanding governance in an era of international comparison.
Principal Investigator
The project is lead by Associate Professor Kirsten Sivesind from University of Oslo
Finnish country team
Professor Jaakko Kauko (PI), Post-doctoral researcher Íris Santos and Doctoral researcher Saija Volmari
Recent publications
Evidence and Expertise in Nordic Education Policy: A Comparative Network Analysis
You can find more information on the project’s main site and on Twitter.