
Members of the EduKnow research group are involved in various different research projects in Finland and internationally. They work with a wide variety of research themes and topics.

Quality Assurance and Evaluation in Brazil, China, and Russia

This research project examined Transnational Dynamics in Quality Assurance and Evaluation Politics of Basic Education in Brazil, China and Russia. This project was the main research project of EduKnow members. It concluded at the end of 2017.

Climate change and religiosity: An international cross-curriculum comparison of school-based messages about human-earth relationships

The project examined 8th-grade textbook messages about climate and environmental change and human-earth relationships across subjects (e.g., natural sciences, social sciences, religious and ethical studies) in Ghana, Malawi, Germany, and Finland.

Transnational Knowledge Networks in Higher Education Policymaking (KNETS)

This Academy of Finland funded research analyses the concrete operation of transnational knowledge networks in higher education in the context of Finland and the EU. These networks are cross-sectoral entities, formed in formal and informal relationships between policy actors and their affiliated groups.

Policy Knowledge and Lesson Drawing in Nordic School Reform in an Era of International Comparison (POLNET)

This research project employs comparative network analysis to explore how school reforms are formulated, developed and renewed by the production and use of policy knowledge and expertise within and across five Nordic countries.

Higher Education Autonomy in Europe: Supranational, National, and Institutional Trends (HEAE-SNIT)

This project draws on the analysis of how supranational trends are influencing HE autonomy in Europe and on how they are being translated at the national and institutional levels focusing on how its political grammar impinges on HEIs articulation of education, research, and innovation in fulfilling their missions. The project is led by António Magalhães and Amélia Veiga at the Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES), Portugal. Jaakko Kauko is leading the Finland’s country case team at EduKnow.

Research networks

EduKnow members are also involved in various research networks.

Resources for PhD students (upcoming)

EduKnow members attend a number of different conferences and summer schools in the field of education. We have compiled a list of different education and networking resources, which can be useful for especially for PhD students in the field of comparative education.

Doctoral research projects (upcoming)