The materials are developed within the EMILE project (Empowering Schools in Self-regulation of Media and Information Literacy Processes) which aims to support in-service teachers’ professional development so that they are fully prepared to strengthen young students’ ability to read critically and evaluate the credibility of online information. To assist teachers in this task, we are developing research-based materials for teachers.
This week we finished the filming of the video materials which will serve in-service teachers in their professional development. The video materials consist of altogether nine videos.
The first three videos are research-based educational videos and aim to answer the following questions: 1) What is critical reading?, 2) How can students evaluate the reliability of texts? and 3) How to teach critical online reading? These videos will be approximately 8 minutes long each.
In addition, the package will include six short, two-minute-long videos to describe different kinds of tools and exercises that the teachers can utilise in their teaching.
In the video production, we collaborate with producer Hannu Aaltonen, Hehkumedia, and actor, Iina Hautala. The whole video production will be ready in August. Other language versions will be done later.
The video materials will be used in in-service teachers’ training within the EMILE project. The materials will be accessed also after the project.
For more information about the project:
Pirjo Kulju (, tel. 040 8341652)