Endless Fun - a quantum card game in high dimensions

Want to have Endless Fun in high dimensions?

We are happy to present the first card game in which you can have endless fun in programming a high-dimensional quantum computer.

The idea of the game:

Build your own high-dimensional quantum computer. By applying quantum logic operations to high-dimensional quantum bits – so-called qudits -, you can change their values. Try to reach the highest possible value on your qudit, while keeping the other player’s qudit as low as possible. The evaluation software calculates the final state after each round, in which a certain number of measurements will project possible complex superposition states into a final value. The player with the highest qudit values in three rounds wins the game.


The instructions, a pdf-file to print the cards and the program to evaluate the outcome of the game (python code as well as executable application) can be downloaded from Zenodo https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4016359.

Thanks to all who helped making this game come to life, in particular Lea for all her efforts!


We are happy to receive any feedback or comments.

Feel free to distribute it and don’t forgot to reference it (DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4016359)


Have endless fun playing… : )