IPPT 2024 Tampere will focus on the contemporaneity of performer training, and how performer training currently answers to the changes taking place in the performing arts, and the communities and societies in which they are practiced. The call stems from the observation that, besides the performer training legacies of the 20th century – upon which a major part of HE performer training still rests – among artists and educators, there is a constant tendency to invent, develop and introduce new kinds of methods and techniques of training. Despite their originality, even radicality, novelty is rarely the primary motive for these innovations. On the contrary, they may be based on long-term experience in and analysis of an existing practice, or be motivated by topical issues, such as ecocatastrophe, digital technologies, decolonial imagination, corporeal politics, to name but a few.
IPPT 2024 Tampere: 10th annual meeting of the International Platform for Performer Training

11-14 January 2024
Tampere, Finland
Call for presentations out now!