Pauliina Hulkon artikkeli Looking for direction : rethinking theatre directing practices and pedagogies in the 21st century -julkaisussa

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Looking for direction : rethinking theatre directing practices and pedagogies in the 21st century

Teatterikorkeakoulun julkaisusarjaan kuuluvan teoksen Looking for direction : rethinking theatre directing practices and pedagogies in the 21st century julkaisutilaisuus oli elokuussa 2022. Julkaisu on avoimesti saatavilla, se löytyy osoitteesta  Julkaisun ovat toimittaneet Ramunė Balevičiūtė, Saana Lavaste, Anja Suša ja Una Þorleifsdóttir.

Pauliina Hulkon artikkeli The Murky (Hi)story of Early Directing Education – And What We Can Learn From It.



Hulkko, Pauliina. (2022). The murky (hi)story of early directing education – and what we can learn from it.
Ed. Balevičiūtė, Ramunė, Lavaste, Saana, Suša, Anja, Þorleifsdóttir, Una. Looking for Direction – Rethinking Theatre Directing Practices and Pedagogies in the 21st Century. Teatterikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja 74.