Research description:
Hemorrhagic stroke is among the leading causes of disability, loss of independence, and loss of productive life years. We investigate the molecular pathobiology, as well as the untreated clinical course of vascular and neoplastic lesions that develop in the brain and spinal cord, and may rupture causing various form of hemorrhagic stroke. The goal of our research is to translate the knowledge learned from the pathobiology and clinical course of these diseases into i) novel diagnostic tools that predict brain hemorrhage, as well as ii) improvements in therapy that prevent brain hemorrhage. In addition, we investigate the outcome of brain hemorrhage caused by rupture of these lesion, as well as the factors affecting it, with the aim of aiding the recovery and improving the life of brain hemorrhage survivors.
Primary focus: Intracranial aneurysms, arteriovenousmalformations, dural arteriovenous fistulas, cavernomas, small vessel disease, and outcome of brain hemorrhage
Expertise: Brain hemorrhage, Subarachnoid hemorrhage, Intracranial aneurysms, Arteriovenous malformations, Cavernous malformations, Vascular biology and pathology
Ryhmän erityisosaaminen: Aivoverenvuoto, Lukinkalvonalainen verenvuoto, Kallonsisäiset aneurysmat, Valtimo-laskimoepämuodostumat, Aivokavernoomat, Verisuonibiologia ja patologia