
Nitrogen atmosphere gloveboxes

Two MBraun UNILab glove boxes with nitrogen atmospere, <0.1 ppm oxygen and water. Both glove boxes are equipped with spin coater, balance and hotplates.

Solar simulators

Class A++A+A LED simulator and class AAA Xe lamp simulator.

Fluxim Litos Lite

Litos Lite platform for paraller J-V and ISOS stability.

Fluxim Paios

Fluxim Paios system for electrical and optical characterization of solar cells.

Indoor photovoltaic setup

Indoor photovoltaic setup with adjustable lamp and a nitrogen box for power point tracking.

External quantum efficiency setup

Newport QuantX-300 Quantum efficiency measurement system.

Thermal Evaporator

MBraun OPTIvap evaporator, equipped with 4 sources: two “boat” type high-temperature sources for metal evaporation, and two low-temperature ceramic cup-type sources for e.g. organic small molecules.